This post may (ok, it will be) scattered, but hang with me as there has been A LOT going on since I last posted in February. When the Lord placed the phrase "wherever He leads, I'll go!" as a prayer on my heart several months ago, I had no idea that He meant even here....right now! Slowly but surely, I'm learning to trust what the Lord with each little detail.
This semester of nursing school has definitely NOT been an enjoyable one. I can't remember a time when I have disliked school as much as I have since January. It has been full of psych clinicals....Saturday at 6:30 am clinicals....lots of papers....even more busy work....ridiculous school policies...lack of help from faculty. You know, all things that can make the life of a nursing student pretty difficult. I do have to say that through it all, I have the best clinical group! I just love each and every one of them. I'm so thankful for the relationships that have been formed and the ways I have seen the Lord working inspite of the unfavorable circumstances.
Aren't we a good looking group?!?
You would trust us to be your nurses, right?!?
I have been looking forward to the summer (not just to be finished with 2nd semester) because I thought I would beparticipating in a medical mission trip to Mexico. It was a trip where I would be able to sharpen my skills and gain confidence in my abilities as a nurse. Friday I received an email from my instructor saying the trip was cancelled due to the violence going on in Mexico. I was disappointed to say the least. If you know me well, you know I love to have things planned, and this definitely messed with my summer plans.
The awesome thing is that even though there is disappointment, there is even more of a peace about my summer. I trust that whatever happens this summer was already ordained by the Lord before time began....eventhough I am surprised, God isn't! I'm trusting HIM! Once again, if you know me well, you know that is a HUGE accomplishment. The need for control has LESS control over me! hehe
That being said...
I'll be living in San Antonio for the summer, and I am super excited about that. 小Katie....I AM GOING TO GA CAMP THIS SUMMER! Other than a week of GA camp, I will be working in Labor & Delivery as a PCA (patient care assistant). PCA is a program set up at University Hospital for nursing students to gain more experience/confidence in their skils. Wait a second....isn't that exactly what I wanted from Mexico?!?! God provides! The nurses seem to be really good to work with, and I will be able to work as much or as little as I am able. I'm excited!
If you go to my sweet friend Cindy's blog, you can see a little story that has been awesome to be a part of the past couple of weeks. (skip to the last part about an Iraqi conversation) Then after you read that, read this one to see another part of the story. Oh, it's a good one! :D
I took "Lillie" to the store today to buy groceries. Well, I THOUGHT we were going to buy groceries, but really she just wanted to go shopping. While shopping, I attemped to teach her three year old son some English (because I found out today the only thing he REALLY says in English is "H-E-B"!). Through some role playing and translating by Lillie, her son learned "thank you". It was the sweetest thing to see him finally get it. His entire countenance changed and began smiling from ear to ear with a sense of pride and accomplishment in his beautiful brown eyes! For the next 15 minutes, he would say "thank you", and I would reply, "you're welcome"! He would laugh and smile even bigger. It was such a simple sweet reminder to me that even the youngest child wants to be heard and understood. What a difference one little phrase can make!
I point you to that blog and tell you that story to say....maybe this is my "Wherever He leads..." moment right now. There has never been a time in my life where I have been surrounded by so many people from different nations at one time. It truly brings a personal meaning to, "ask and I'll give the nations to you." He means it...they are right here! Within about a 5 mile radius of where I live, there are many nations represented with MANY needs. So each day I ask, "Lord, how can I be a part of what you are doing today?" The answer may be as simple as "take Lillie to the store". I pray my response will be, "I'll go...wherever you lead."
Life is good...even when it's difficult....because I serve a God who is REALLY GOOD!