LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Well, clinicals, that is. I’m at Methodist Children’s Hospital for my pediatric rotation. This week I was in pediatric oncology, and I am CONVINCED this is where I want to work. I’ve said for a while that I would like to work in oncology, but I never had any experience there. I decided to have my “observation” day on this unit, and I was not disappointed.
Having clinicals on two consecutive days usually means you get to see the same patients. I had two of the most awesome girls as patients. One girl, 9 years old, had the biggest smile and the biggest personality of anyone I have ever met. Each time I walked in her room, she wanted to know how long I was staying for that shift and when I was coming back. We played a lot of Deal or No Deal…laughed…talked...and had an all-around fun time. She was SO proud of her hair growing back, and so I asked her what color it was before. She said, “It was JUST LIKE YOURS!” It was a small connection between the two of us, but a sweet one none-the-less.
My other patient, a 13 year old girl, was also absolutely incredible. Meeting her was one of those “God” moments…something only He can orchestrate, but I am oh-so-glad He did. I’d love to share the story, but I’m not sure that’s ok on my blog. Basically, one of my T bar M campers knew this sweet girl, and we prayed for her ALL WEEK last summer at camp. It was neat to be able to share with this sweet girl and her mom that I had prayed for her and “knew” her before. I felt like I should start singing, “It’s a small world after all…it’s a small world after all…” I can’t tell you how much I love moments like that. :D
Class, on the other hand, is a different story. I feel like I can vent because this is MY blog, so here I go…I can’t stand it when people feel the need to cheat!!! Last week, we were lectured because somehow a test got out and a few people in our class decided it was okay to use it to “study”. AHHH!! INTEGRITY, people!!! Does it not mean anything??? I know for me, personally, my integrity is extremely important to me, and I get really mad when it’s called into question over something I didn’t do. I don’t care if it’s my personal integrity…or a “class integrity”. Our class has already been in trouble once for cheating in 1st semester, and I feel like we had to work really hard to earn trust back to the instructors of future semesters. Once again…it’s ruined. No, I didn’t do it, but simply because I am in the class where it occurred, I have to deal with the ramifications. Not only me…but the majority of the others in my class.
In other news….
My sister and I are going to spend a few days before Christmas in NYC!! I am SO SO SO excited. It is definitely needed after the semester I have had.