Sunday, November 22, 2009

College Station + SEE-ster + Friends = FUN!

Let’s just say my weekend in College Station didn’t turn out as I expected it.  I ended up having a “SEE-ster weekend” that I thoroughly enjoyed.  I love my sister….(it’s a good thing because in less than a month we will be exploring NYC together!) 

Not only did I get to see Jenny, but I also ran into several good friends while I was in College Station.   I love running into people unexpectedly!  These are the beautiful faces I got to see this weekend…

Summer 2007 011 
I love this girl!  Infact, pretty soon she gets a post of her own!  She’s my best friend, and she’s getting married in December.  You can imagine my surprise Saturday night when Jenny and I were sitting at Chickfila and I got a text from Christi.  She was studying in Bryan…I didn’t even know she was in town!   Jenny and I were in a little bit of a time crunch to catch a movie, but I had to go see Christi.  We sat and talked at Starbucks for about 20 minutes.  It was short but super sweet time together.  Since we don’t live close to each other anymore, I forget just how much I miss her until we get back together.  I truly love this girl, and she is such a blessing to me! 


Fall 2008 009 - Copy (2)

While waiting in the ticket line to purchase “The Blind Side” tickets, I here someone behind me say, “Is that Katie?”  I turn around, and it is these two beautiful girls along with their friend and Emily’s boyfriend.  We talked for a second and realized we were both going to the same movie/same time.  Wonderful!  We sat together, Hannah and I got to catch up on life before the movie began, and all was well with the world!  :D  We ended up making plans to go to church with them in the morning followed by an incredible lunch at “THE Chinese place”…..that’s not it’s real name (I don’t even remember what it’s called though).   It’s my FAVORITE Chinese food place in College Station…I introduced Hannah to it, and it quickly became a favorite by all.    Two sweet girls who love Jesus with everything in them.  It’s one of my favorite things about both of them. 

(I totally just took this picture off of her facebook!) 

Anyway…Lindsay and I met my junior year/her freshman year at A&M.  I co-led a bible study for freshman, and I was blessed to have her in my group.  She’s beautiful inside and out, and she brings joy to everyone around her.  While I was at Starbucks talking to Christi, Lindsay walked in.  I hadn’t seen Lindsay in probably 3 years.  It brought tears to my eyes to get to see her.  I can’t believe she is now a SENIOR in college!!  It makes me feel EXTREMELY old! 

There’s just a little snapshot of my weekend.  I’m so thankful for friends and for the “unexpected sightings” that always happen in College Station.  Thank you Jesus for friends and for see-sters!  They are all blessings to me.

Friday, November 20, 2009


….for an Aggieland weekend with some amazing girls!  Fall 2009 024These amazing girls to be exact!  Jessie is coming to Aggieland too, but she isn’t riding with us.  :(  Baylor plays A&M this weekend in Aggieland, and what better time to take our Baylor-lovin’ friend, Julie (and her sister Diane!) to get a taste of AGGIELAND.

Call us losers if you must, but we are staying ALL weekend just so us Aggies can hit all of our favorite Aggieland restaurants we don’t have in San Antonio.  We are also going to the came, hitting up the tent sales (YAY for $5 A&M t-shirts!), showing the others around campus, hanging out, oh ya….and eating some more!  What a great weekend is ahead!  

Jeremiah 1:4-10

Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and  before you were born I consecrated you;  I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.’  Then I said, ‘Alas, Lord God!  Behold, I do not know how to speak because I am a youth.’ But the Lord said to me, ‘Do not say, “I am a youth,” because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak.  Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you.’ declares the Lord.  Then the Lord stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, ‘Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.  SEE, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” 
Jeremiah 1:4-10

Occasionally the Lord will put a specific scripture on my heart for weeks at a time.  Usually it happens that I’m not certain of the significance of the scripture at that time in my life, but God is preparing me for something down the road.  This passage in Jeremiah has been on my heart for a few weeks now.  I’m anxious to see how He is going to use this one!  :D 

Friday, November 13, 2009

Life After Nursing School

I’m currently praying about what life is going to look like for me after May.  Seeing how the past year and a half of nursing school has flown by quickly, I’m expecting my final semester of nursing school to be the same.  The job search will begin for me in January, and I am actually really excited about it.  There is ONE particular job at ONE particular hospital here in San Antonio that I would LOVE to have.  Being a new graduate RN, I’m not sure if I will be able to get it though, but you better believe that won’t stop me from applying for it.  :D 

In addition to finding a nursing position, I also have an incredible (or so it seems at this point) opportunity for the summer that popped in my email inbox this week.  It’s a perfect fit with what I feel like the Lord is calling me to do…it fits a passion of mine perfectly…and yes, it involves CHINA!  The problem is it being during the summer…THIS summer in particular.  The summer that is PRIME TIME for me to be looking for and beginning my nursing career. 

This is where you, my friend, come in!  Would you pray along with me?  The desire of my heart is to follow the Lord wherever He leads me.  If that is working in a hospital in San Antonio…I’ll go!  If that is going to China…I’ll go!  Would you pray I would be sensitive to the direction the Lord is leading?  Would you pray that I would have the courage to run through the doors He opens and praise Him for the ones He closes knowing that He is completely in control? 

Let’s just be honest, though…I REALLY want to go to China.  :D