Since January, I’ve had the privilege of studying the life of David….one who was considered to be “a man after God’s own heart”.
I’ve always thought how cool would it be to be considered a woman after God’s own heart.
But it wasn’t until I really started digging into David’s life I got a glimpse of what that REALLY meant. David was human…he was a man with big successes, but he was also a man with big failures. Even still, God considered David to be a man after His own heart.
David wasn’t the obvious choice to be king….but GOD CHOSE HIM!
God used David’s occupation (shepherd) as preparation for the plan HE had set out for David long before David ever knew what was happening. {Psalm 78:70-72} How awesome is that??? I love verse 72 where it says “he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them with his skillful hands.”
God showed me that HE knows what He’s doing. HE has me right where I’m supposed to be for a reason, even if that reason doesn’t always make sense to me. HE is using each situation as a way to prepare me for His purpose for my life. Often I forget to look at it that way, but I’m learning!
I love that David wasn’t perfect….it gives me much comfort to know that God doesn’t call “perfect” people to make a difference in His kingdom…..whew, that’s DEFINITELY a relief to me! Anyone else?!?!
At the end of David’s life he was talking to Solomon as Solomon was about to take the throne as God had promised. *I like to put my name in this verse * “As for you, Katie, know the God of your father and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hears and understands every intent of the thoughts.” 1 Chronicles 28:9
If David, a man after God’s own heart, is giving this advice to his son, I think it’s pretty wise that I take a special note to that too. At the end of David’s life, he knew what was important, and that was the importance of willingly serving God with your mind and WHOLE heart.
Won’t you do the same?!? How awesome would it be for God to consider you and me as men/women after His own heart?? Even with all of our successes and failures, it can be said of us if we willingly serve Him with our whole hearts and minds.
When all is said and done, my desire is to be Katie, a woman after God’s own heart!
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