Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Best Friend!

Summer 2007 011

Dancing and Island Party 006

Meet Christi Carter. I have no other words than I. LOVE. THIS. GIRL. I am so incredibly thankful to the Lord for blessing me with her friendship. My first semester at Texas A&M was fun, but I spent most of Christmas break praying that the Lord would bring a friend into my life who I truly connected with…someone to share my college experience with….someone I could call best friend. Oh, did the Lord answer!

We both ended up being in freshman biology for the spring semester. I can’t remember how the initial conversation started, but I remember it didn’t take long for us to become friends. Through getting to know Christi, I learned that she, too, had prayed over Christmas break for strong friendships, and the Lord had answered both of us. We were thankful!

I can honestly say, I’m not sure how I would have made it through my college years without Christi. We went through a lot together….laughing until we cried…late night chats….baking cookies (lots and lots of cookies)…Tuesday night Breakaway….Fightin’ Texas Aggie Volleyball games…road trips….camping…studying. We also had our share of tears and arguments. Through it all, we were there for each other, and we loved each other! She was (and still is) an incredible blessing. She loves the Lord and is passionate about serving Him in EVERYTHING she does. She is a loyal friend and is always waiting with encouragement and a prayer.


On December 27th, I was privileged to stand with Christi as she said, “I do!” She was the most beautiful bride, and I am so incredibly happy for her and Christopher. I look forward to seeing what the Lord is going to do in Christi’s life….through medical school….through whatever kind of doctor she decides to be…through her marriage…through it all!

I love you, Christi! Thank you for being you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet Best Friend,

You are such a blessing to me. I'm so grateful for the Lord and His perfect timing in bringing us together in biology of all places. Oh, the memories! We need to pick a city to live in when we finally "grow up" so that we can keep making memories... because Houston and San Antonio are WAY too far apart!