Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Heart is in Haiti Part 3

Seeing that this is Sunday, a day of worship, I decided to give you a little glimpse into worship with Haitian believers.  During my time at Mission of Hope, I had the opportunity to worship corporately with Haitian believers on two different occasions. 

Sunday morning church service began at 9:30 and lasted a few hours (I’m not exactly sure how long).  Songs were sung in both Haitian Creole and English, and it was one of the most beautiful sounds I’ve ever heard.  There is just something unparalleled about hearing people belt out “How Great Thou Art” in THEIR language after each had endured such tragedy.  I mean, I would be willing to bet that each one of them had lost someone CLOSE to them in the quake…a mom…a dad…a sister or brother…a best friend…a child.  Yet, you BELIEVED them when they sang about how great God is!  They sang with such conviction and total abandonment to the Grace of Jesus in their lives. 


The second time to worship with my new friends was on Tuesday evening.  I worked in the clinic that day, and so my shift was over around 3.  Having extra time to kill, I walked down to the ward to hang out until the worship service started that evening around 5.  The ward is close to the sanctuary, and I listened from the ward as the choir practiced a beautiful song.  Here it is…once again sung with so much conviction and emotion. 

Around 4:30pm Tuesday evening, people started making their way to the sanctuary for a worship and prayer service.  Not having to work anymore that evening, I made it down to the sanctuary for the beginning.  I picked a seat and began worshipping right along with them. Little did I know that I picked the best seat in the house!!  All of the Hope House kiddos (the orphanage at Mission of Hope) came and sat around me.  I was so blessed to be able to worship in the midst of them.  All around me were little precious ones….some with hands lifted…some on their knees…some holding younger children.  It was a beautiful night!  To me, it was a little glimpse of Heaven….every tribe, every tongue, every nation….worshipping!  For about an hour, I held and loved on a sweet little girl about 5 years old who lost both her legs and portions of her hands (fingers) in the quake as we sang “All I Need is You, Lord”…she sang in Haitian Creole….I sang in English. 

What a joy it was to see the Church so alive and joyful!  I was so encouraged! 

Just a sidenote…I apologize for the shaky videos…it’s a little bit difficult to video while holding a kiddo who is trying to grab the camera the whole time! 

1 comment:

Jenn said...

What you captured on video Katie is so beautiful! So beautiful!