Monday, March 26, 2012

ROCK 1…Part 2!

So here is Part 1!   Read that one first to get the story of what happened!  Spring 2012 334

**I have to say something I LOVE about this picture.  For the most part, this is the way I felt throughout the trip.  Even though I was hurt, my team was behind and beside me…watching out for and taking care of me!** 

As He is always faithful to do, God taught…well IS TEACHING….me so much through this setback.  I’m certain there will be a Part 3 to this story because the setbacks keep coming when all I want is for this leg to be well! 

What was my immediate thought when this happened??  OUCH!!!!  That’s a no brainer!  It hurt SOOO bad! 

Shortly after that initial thought, my mind went to the earthquake victims.  My first trip to Haiti was a medical relief trip less than 2 months after the earthquake happened.  We took care of MANY orthopedic injuries as a result of being crushed/trapped in the rubble.  I had NO IDEA how to even begin to relate to these people because I’d never been in that situation. 

All of a sudden, I am on the ground after having my leg crushed between two large rocks!  God gave me a small glimpse into what they must have felt. 

ONE rock crushed my leg…..I can’t imagine being trapped under entire houses of rubble….some people trapped for days! 

Perspective….God gave me perspective and a new compassion for the incredible pain all of Haiti had to endure.  Not only did they endure physical pain…but emotional, spiritual…every kind of pain imaginable!  Yet in the midst of their pain, they worshipped! 

When I was tempted to get down about being on crutches and not being able to work, God brought me back to reality and reminded me of this perspective!   My mind went back to Roberta from my first trip to Haiti, and I remembered all she endured without complaint!  He also reminded me of a story I learned more of on this trip…one I will hopefully share later! 

So many people were praying for physical protection over this trip, and even in being injured I can say with confidence that GOD ANSWERED!  I escaped without a broken bone…just a beat up leg!  This had the potential to be much worse than it was!!  I’m so thankful it wasn’t. 

God has also showed me a beneficial lesson in slowing down…but that’s going to be for Part 3 because I don’t think I’m finished learning that one!  :)  



Two (I’m not sure which two) rocks in this pile are responsible for an injury that’s still giving me trouble.Spring 2012 295

I got injured!

**is anyone surprised?!?!***

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While most people were still getting on their work gloves, I decided to get to work.  A teammate and I picked up a rock that was about 100 lbs and started moving it. 

I began to lose my balance…so I stepped back to catch myself with my left foot. 

That didn’t go as planned!!

Instead of catching myself, I stepped back onto another rock….tripped and fell….landing on the rock! 

The momentum of the rock we were carrying (remember….100 lbs.!!!) fell on top of my leg that was already laying on top of the rock I tripped over!

Make sense???

So basically it sandwiched my leg between the two rocks!

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A couple of hours later, we were finished with that project…

Then it dawned on me that I would ACTUALLY have to walk…or somehow get around on this *very swollen/painful* leg for the remainder of my time in Haiti.

(were you surprised?!?!…I wasn’t!  He’s pretty good like that!)

One of our guys had some crutches just laying around the house!  THANKYOUJESUS!!!

So this is how I hobbled around Haiti! Spring 2012 304

About 5 minutes into walking on these crutches…the wooden one gave me a blister!

Once again….is anyone surprised?!?!  It only makes sense that it would happen this way when I’m the one involved!  I can’t seem to make any trip uneventful!Spring 2012 310

Spring 2012 367So…I hobbled to the ocean with the rest of the crew and enjoyed an incredible view!  Too bad I couldn’t get IN the water…which I really wanted to do, but I figured that wouldn’t be too smart considering the previous events of my day!!         Spring 2012 366

So there you have it…
the story…

Wanna know what God showed *is currently showing* me through it?!?!  Part 2 coming soon! 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yung Goddi’s BBQ

Summer 2011 047

One of my favorite parts of going back to Haiti time and time again is seeing my Haitian brothers, known as the Yung Goddi’s (young men of God).  Their name fits them perfectly.  These guys are amazing!  Some of them have heart wrenching stories, but all of them love the Lord with every fiber of their being.  They are family to us. 

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People always ask me if I am ever scared while in Haiti, and my answer is always the same….”Nope!  Not as long as I have one of the guys (Yung Goddi’s) with me!”  They are so protective of us…all the time!  Because of these guys, I always feel safe in Haiti.  Not only are they protective of us, they take care of their community.  Everyone knows them---they are kinda like the “gang” that runs the community!  Praise the Lord that the “gang” that runs this community is one of God-fearing men.  God is using them to reach out and change the community!  We love these guys, and we love partnering with them!

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On Saturday night, they put on a delicious BBQ for us with the most delicious food!  It was a time of fun and fellowship.  We heard testimonies from one of the guys (Little Jimmy) and a guy who came to know Christ back in October while our church was there working.  GOD IS ON THE MOVE….It was awesome to hear the stories…meet their families…and share a meal with everyone!     Spring 2012 257

 Spring 2012 259

Oh Haiti---Where do I even begin?

Spring 2012 265

I must have started and then deleted this post 5 different times…it seems as though I can’t figure out where to begin telling my stories about Haiti!  God did so much while we were there.  I’m almost certain it is impossible to leave Haiti unchanged in some way.  I’ve said time and time again, the Haitian people are absolutely amazing and resilient! 

But when will I ever learn?!?!  When will I learn to leave my days in God’s hands and not have expectations of what will happen?  Not just in Haiti, but just in life in general!  This trip to Haiti included many things that I never in my WILDEST imagination expected to happen.

I NEVER EXPECTED there to be talks of political rioting as we arrived in Haiti….but there was, and God knew!

I NEVER EXPECTED to be in an earthquake (and actually feel it!!) while in Haiti…but I was, and God knew!

I NEVER EXPECTED to be injured while I was in Haiti…but I was, and God knew!

My expectations are always completely blown away each time I go to this beautiful place, and I mean it, Haiti is SERIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL!!! 

I’m thankful that even though I may plan out my life, God is the one who orders my steps and everything that happens is first sifted through His Sovereign Hands…I can trust that!!  No matter the circumstances….no matter the outcome….He KNOWS!! 

These next few posts, I’ll try to put my week into words….oh, how I wish you could have experienced it with me…first hand!  That would be the best!  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Haiti Bound

It’s here!  It’s here!  I*finally* got everything packed and every item crossed off my to-do list.  I am beyond excited that this time tomorrow I will be in Haiti!

In less than 24 hours…

…I’ll be taking in the sights and sounds of Haiti.
…I’ll be watching some people on my team experience Haiti for the first time.
…I’ll be laughing and catching up with sweet friends.
…I’ll be scheming ways to actually ride in a *Tap-Tap* (Haitian “taxi”) during this trip. 
…I’ll be so thankful that God, once again, has blessed me beyond anything I could ask for and let me go back to this amazing country. 

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times…the people in Haiti are amazing!  They are strong…they are resilient…they are brave…they love people well.  Each time I go, God teaches me so much simply by being in the presence of Haitian believers and listening to their stories. 

As I am gone, I would love and appreciate your prayers so much!  Here are some specific ways to be praying…

1-  As I’ve been praying over this trip, the same prayer I pray every day as I go to work in the PICU is the prayer that God’s put on my heart for my time in Haiti.  My heart is to be the hands and feet of Jesus!  Would you pray that I would- see with Jesus’ eyes; love with His heart; and be His hands and feet?  Would you pray that as He works through me (and my team) that we would bring peace, hope, joy, and comfort to everyone we have the chance to meet. 

2-  Pray that I would love people well with no agenda other than to do what God asks me to do and be who He asks me to be.  

3-  Pray that this would be a “medically uneventful” trip.   Some of you may know that I had an allergic reaction the last time I was in Haiti.  I’m prepared this time with all sorts of meds, but if I’m honest, I’m a little anxious about something else happening while I’m gone.   **I’m not very good at this one**

Thank you in advance for praying!  Can’t wait to share when I get back!! 

It’s a WILD RIDE following Jesus, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!