So here is Part 1! Read that one first to get the story of what happened!
**I have to say something I LOVE about this picture. For the most part, this is the way I felt throughout the trip. Even though I was hurt, my team was behind and beside me…watching out for and taking care of me!**
As He is always faithful to do, God taught…well IS TEACHING….me so much through this setback. I’m certain there will be a Part 3 to this story because the setbacks keep coming when all I want is for this leg to be well!
What was my immediate thought when this happened?? OUCH!!!! That’s a no brainer! It hurt SOOO bad!
Shortly after that initial thought, my mind went to the earthquake victims. My first trip to Haiti was a medical relief trip less than 2 months after the earthquake happened. We took care of MANY orthopedic injuries as a result of being crushed/trapped in the rubble. I had NO IDEA how to even begin to relate to these people because I’d never been in that situation.
All of a sudden, I am on the ground after having my leg crushed between two large rocks! God gave me a small glimpse into what they must have felt.
ONE rock crushed my leg…..I can’t imagine being trapped under entire houses of rubble….some people trapped for days!
Perspective….God gave me perspective and a new compassion for the incredible pain all of Haiti had to endure. Not only did they endure physical pain…but emotional, spiritual…every kind of pain imaginable! Yet in the midst of their pain, they worshipped!
When I was tempted to get down about being on crutches and not being able to work, God brought me back to reality and reminded me of this perspective! My mind went back to Roberta from my first trip to Haiti, and I remembered all she endured without complaint! He also reminded me of a story I learned more of on this trip…one I will hopefully share later!
So many people were praying for physical protection over this trip, and even in being injured I can say with confidence that GOD ANSWERED! I escaped without a broken bone…just a beat up leg! This had the potential to be much worse than it was!! I’m so thankful it wasn’t.
God has also showed me a beneficial lesson in slowing down…but that’s going to be for Part 3 because I don’t think I’m finished learning that one! :)