Thursday, March 22, 2012

Oh Haiti---Where do I even begin?

Spring 2012 265

I must have started and then deleted this post 5 different times…it seems as though I can’t figure out where to begin telling my stories about Haiti!  God did so much while we were there.  I’m almost certain it is impossible to leave Haiti unchanged in some way.  I’ve said time and time again, the Haitian people are absolutely amazing and resilient! 

But when will I ever learn?!?!  When will I learn to leave my days in God’s hands and not have expectations of what will happen?  Not just in Haiti, but just in life in general!  This trip to Haiti included many things that I never in my WILDEST imagination expected to happen.

I NEVER EXPECTED there to be talks of political rioting as we arrived in Haiti….but there was, and God knew!

I NEVER EXPECTED to be in an earthquake (and actually feel it!!) while in Haiti…but I was, and God knew!

I NEVER EXPECTED to be injured while I was in Haiti…but I was, and God knew!

My expectations are always completely blown away each time I go to this beautiful place, and I mean it, Haiti is SERIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL!!! 

I’m thankful that even though I may plan out my life, God is the one who orders my steps and everything that happens is first sifted through His Sovereign Hands…I can trust that!!  No matter the circumstances….no matter the outcome….He KNOWS!! 

These next few posts, I’ll try to put my week into words….oh, how I wish you could have experienced it with me…first hand!  That would be the best!  

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