Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Isaiah 40:1-8

1 Comfort, comfort my people,
       says your God.
2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,
       and proclaim to her
       that her hard service has been completed,
       that her sin has been paid for,
       that she has received from the LORD's hand
       double for all her sins.
3 A voice of one calling:
       "In the desert prepare
       the way for the LORD ; 
       make straight in the wilderness
       a highway for our God.
4 Every valley shall be raised up,
       every mountain and hill made low;
       the rough ground shall become level,
       the rugged places a plain.
5 And the glory of the LORD will be revealed,
       and all mankind together will see it.
       For the mouth of the LORD has spoken."
6 A voice says, "Cry out."
       And I said, "What shall I cry?"
       "All men are like grass,
       and all their glory is like the flowers of the field.
7 The grass withers and the flowers fall,
       because the breath of the LORD blows on them.
       Surely the people are grass.
8 The grass withers and the flowers fall,
       but the word of our God stands forever."

I’ve been thinking about this post for about a week, but I never really knew exactly how to write it or what to say.  I still don’t, but this is my feeble attempt to honor and remember sweet Alden.  My last post was also about Alden…asking you guys to pray.  Well, last Sunday, December 13th, the Lord called her home after an incredibly valiant fight against Leukemia. 

I only got the opportunity to spend two days with Alden, but I first heard of her in the summer of 2008.  I was working at T bar M and one of Alden’s friends was in my cabin.  During our morning bible study, my camper asked us to pray for her friend who was recently diagnosed with Leukemia.  We prayed…infact, all week we prayed.  My camper wore a pink and green “Praying for Alden---Isaiah 40:8” bracelet in support of her dear friend and a consistent reminder to lift her up in prayer to the Father.  

Fast forward to a couple of months ago….the Lord had our paths cross, and the pink and green bracelet is how I made the connection! As I spent time with Alden and her mom, I was encouraged in my faith and challenged by theirs.  Not many 13 year old girls can have the joy Alden had while facing such a battle.  I saw Jesus in her, and I’m certain others she came in contact with did as well.  After our paths crossed, I began following her caringbridge closely and praying for her consistently.  She was never far from my thoughts and prayers as I now wore my very own “Praying for Alden” bracelet.  It began my reminder, not only to pray, but also to trust in the only ONE who can truly heal.  I never knew if the Lord would heal Alden here on earth or if her healing would be in heaven, but I trusted in His faithful Word that He is in control and has each of our days numbered.  I was so sad to learn last Sunday that Alden went to be with Jesus.  Thirteen year olds aren’t supposed to be concerned with chemotherapy…central lines….what pain killers will actually help the constant pain…IV drips…hospital stays.  They are supposed to be thinking about boys…and texting…and friends…  It just didn’t seem right that she was having to suffer. 

I’m thankful that Sunday night was House Church.  As we sang the words “Come praise the Lord with me, all who have been set free.  We will adore the King of Glory.  Let the world hear the sound of sinners once lost, now found.  Crown Him with many crowns, the King of Glory!”, I wept, but the Lord did something amazing in my heart.  The sadness I felt throughout the day was replaced by rejoicing.  For the first time, Alden was truly set free from the weakness…the pain…the central line…the IV drips…the LEUKEMIA!  She was set free…she was praising the Lord with me.  The cool thing was that she was doing this all in the presence of her Healer, her Savior, her Lord!  She was crowning Him with many crowns because He WAS, IS, and ALWAYS WILL BE the King of Glory.      

Alden’s life had another impact on me as well.  For a while, I felt the Lord leading me in the direction of nursing in pediatric oncology.  Through Alden’s journey, her faith, and the faith of her family during this trial, the Lord continued to confirm this calling in my life.   On the other hand, through knowing Alden, I began to question the Lord because I got so involved in her story.  I wept when I read the pages of her caringbridge about her pain and suffering…I prayed for her and her family….I questioned the Lord,  “Lord, am I really cut out for this??”  Through Alden’s life, He gave me a resounding, “YES!!!”  Not by my own might or power, but through the strength and grace that He ultimately gives to walk through life and death with children and their families.

So I will continue to wear my pink and green “Praying for Alden” bracelet as a reminder to pray for her family, as a testament to the Lord’s faithfulness to heal, and as a confirmation that if the Lord calls me to work with pediatric oncology patients, HE will give me the grace and the strength to walk this difficulty journey with them. 

The verse at the beginning of this post is one of Alden’s life verses.  This sweet girl not only KNEW the Lord, but she loved Him not only with her words but with her life…


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pray for Alden

I wanted to ask you guys to pray for a sweet girl named Alden.  Head on over and check out her caringbridge site.  This is one of the bravest girls I know, and she is fighting a tough battle with Leukemia.  She captured my heart from the moment I met her, and my heart is breaking to hear of how much she is struggling right now.  She and her family are appreciative of anyone willing to lift her up in prayer to the only ONE who heals.  This family’s faith is in the Lord, and they know that He is in control….but they are pleading for the Lord to spare Alden’s life.  Please pray! 


Sunday, November 22, 2009

College Station + SEE-ster + Friends = FUN!

Let’s just say my weekend in College Station didn’t turn out as I expected it.  I ended up having a “SEE-ster weekend” that I thoroughly enjoyed.  I love my sister….(it’s a good thing because in less than a month we will be exploring NYC together!) 

Not only did I get to see Jenny, but I also ran into several good friends while I was in College Station.   I love running into people unexpectedly!  These are the beautiful faces I got to see this weekend…

Summer 2007 011 
I love this girl!  Infact, pretty soon she gets a post of her own!  She’s my best friend, and she’s getting married in December.  You can imagine my surprise Saturday night when Jenny and I were sitting at Chickfila and I got a text from Christi.  She was studying in Bryan…I didn’t even know she was in town!   Jenny and I were in a little bit of a time crunch to catch a movie, but I had to go see Christi.  We sat and talked at Starbucks for about 20 minutes.  It was short but super sweet time together.  Since we don’t live close to each other anymore, I forget just how much I miss her until we get back together.  I truly love this girl, and she is such a blessing to me! 


Fall 2008 009 - Copy (2)

While waiting in the ticket line to purchase “The Blind Side” tickets, I here someone behind me say, “Is that Katie?”  I turn around, and it is these two beautiful girls along with their friend and Emily’s boyfriend.  We talked for a second and realized we were both going to the same movie/same time.  Wonderful!  We sat together, Hannah and I got to catch up on life before the movie began, and all was well with the world!  :D  We ended up making plans to go to church with them in the morning followed by an incredible lunch at “THE Chinese place”…..that’s not it’s real name (I don’t even remember what it’s called though).   It’s my FAVORITE Chinese food place in College Station…I introduced Hannah to it, and it quickly became a favorite by all.    Two sweet girls who love Jesus with everything in them.  It’s one of my favorite things about both of them. 

(I totally just took this picture off of her facebook!) 

Anyway…Lindsay and I met my junior year/her freshman year at A&M.  I co-led a bible study for freshman, and I was blessed to have her in my group.  She’s beautiful inside and out, and she brings joy to everyone around her.  While I was at Starbucks talking to Christi, Lindsay walked in.  I hadn’t seen Lindsay in probably 3 years.  It brought tears to my eyes to get to see her.  I can’t believe she is now a SENIOR in college!!  It makes me feel EXTREMELY old! 

There’s just a little snapshot of my weekend.  I’m so thankful for friends and for the “unexpected sightings” that always happen in College Station.  Thank you Jesus for friends and for see-sters!  They are all blessings to me.

Friday, November 20, 2009


….for an Aggieland weekend with some amazing girls!  Fall 2009 024These amazing girls to be exact!  Jessie is coming to Aggieland too, but she isn’t riding with us.  :(  Baylor plays A&M this weekend in Aggieland, and what better time to take our Baylor-lovin’ friend, Julie (and her sister Diane!) to get a taste of AGGIELAND.

Call us losers if you must, but we are staying ALL weekend just so us Aggies can hit all of our favorite Aggieland restaurants we don’t have in San Antonio.  We are also going to the came, hitting up the tent sales (YAY for $5 A&M t-shirts!), showing the others around campus, hanging out, oh ya….and eating some more!  What a great weekend is ahead!  

Jeremiah 1:4-10

Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and  before you were born I consecrated you;  I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.’  Then I said, ‘Alas, Lord God!  Behold, I do not know how to speak because I am a youth.’ But the Lord said to me, ‘Do not say, “I am a youth,” because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak.  Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you.’ declares the Lord.  Then the Lord stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, ‘Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.  SEE, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” 
Jeremiah 1:4-10

Occasionally the Lord will put a specific scripture on my heart for weeks at a time.  Usually it happens that I’m not certain of the significance of the scripture at that time in my life, but God is preparing me for something down the road.  This passage in Jeremiah has been on my heart for a few weeks now.  I’m anxious to see how He is going to use this one!  :D 

Friday, November 13, 2009

Life After Nursing School

I’m currently praying about what life is going to look like for me after May.  Seeing how the past year and a half of nursing school has flown by quickly, I’m expecting my final semester of nursing school to be the same.  The job search will begin for me in January, and I am actually really excited about it.  There is ONE particular job at ONE particular hospital here in San Antonio that I would LOVE to have.  Being a new graduate RN, I’m not sure if I will be able to get it though, but you better believe that won’t stop me from applying for it.  :D 

In addition to finding a nursing position, I also have an incredible (or so it seems at this point) opportunity for the summer that popped in my email inbox this week.  It’s a perfect fit with what I feel like the Lord is calling me to do…it fits a passion of mine perfectly…and yes, it involves CHINA!  The problem is it being during the summer…THIS summer in particular.  The summer that is PRIME TIME for me to be looking for and beginning my nursing career. 

This is where you, my friend, come in!  Would you pray along with me?  The desire of my heart is to follow the Lord wherever He leads me.  If that is working in a hospital in San Antonio…I’ll go!  If that is going to China…I’ll go!  Would you pray I would be sensitive to the direction the Lord is leading?  Would you pray that I would have the courage to run through the doors He opens and praise Him for the ones He closes knowing that He is completely in control? 

Let’s just be honest, though…I REALLY want to go to China.  :D 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Where to Begin…


LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!  Well, clinicals, that is.  I’m at Methodist Children’s Hospital for my pediatric rotation.  This week I was in pediatric oncology, and I am CONVINCED this  is where I want to work.  I’ve said for a while that I would like to work in oncology, but I never had any experience there.  I decided to have my “observation” day on this unit, and I was not disappointed.  

Having clinicals on two consecutive days usually means you get to see the same patients.  I had two of the most awesome girls as patients.  One girl, 9 years old, had the biggest smile and the biggest personality of anyone I have ever met.  Each time I walked in her room, she wanted to know how long I was staying for that shift and when I was coming back.  We played a lot of Deal or No Deal…laughed…talked...and had an all-around fun time.  She was SO proud of her hair growing back, and so I asked her what color it was before.  She said, “It was JUST LIKE YOURS!”  It was a small connection between the two of us, but a sweet one none-the-less. 

My other patient, a 13 year old girl, was also absolutely incredible.  Meeting her was one of those “God” moments…something only He can orchestrate, but I am oh-so-glad He did.  I’d love to share the story, but I’m not sure that’s ok on my blog.  Basically, one of my T bar M campers knew this sweet girl, and we prayed for her ALL WEEK last summer at camp.  It was neat to be able to share with this sweet girl and her mom that I had prayed for her and “knew” her before.    I felt like I should start singing, “It’s a small world after all…it’s a small world after all…”  I can’t tell you how much I love moments like that.  :D 

Class, on the other hand, is a different story.  I feel like I can vent because this is MY blog, so here I go…I can’t stand it when people feel the need to cheat!!!  Last week, we were lectured because somehow  a test got out and a few people in our class decided it was okay to use it to “study”.  AHHH!!  INTEGRITY, people!!!  Does it not mean anything???  I know for me, personally, my integrity is extremely important to me, and I get really mad when it’s called into question over something I didn’t do.  I don’t care if it’s my personal integrity…or a “class integrity”.  Our class has already been in trouble once for cheating in 1st semester, and I feel like we had to work really hard to earn trust back to the instructors of future semesters.  Once again…it’s ruined.  No, I didn’t do it, but simply because I am in the class where it occurred, I have to deal with the ramifications.  Not only me…but the majority of the others in my class. 


In other news….


My sister and I are going to spend a few days before Christmas in NYC!!  I am SO SO SO excited.  It is definitely needed after the semester I have had. 



Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Life is crazy right now...I'll be back with an update post soon! :D

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fightin’ Texas Aggie Football

There is nothing better on Saturday in the fall than a Fightin’ Texas Aggie Football game.  I know, I know…the game yesterday wasn’t the best showing of my Ags, but nonetheless, it is such a fun experience.  As a student at A&M, I rarely missed a game.  I stood…yelled…and stayed till the VERY end.  No way I would be called a “two percenter”.  

One of the perks of being a student is getting a sports pass (thanks DAD!).  Each week, you give the nice lady at the ticket counter your sports pass, and she hands you a ticket which allows you to stand (squished like sardines) and sweat more than you ever thought possible while yelling (no cheering!), waving your 12th man towel,   and enjoying the atmosphere of Kyle Field.  NOTHING better!  :D Upstream 05-06 005Aggie Football 2006 003

A&M 045

There’s just a couple of pics of Aggie football throughout my years as a student.  I LOVED it…if you couldn’t already tell. 

Since I graduated in 2007, I haven’t made it back to Aggieland for a football game….that is until last weekend!!  My mom drove from Lufkin with some friends from church, and I drove in from San Antonio.  We all went to the game on Saturday evening…..1st deck….45 yard line…right behind the band!  I have my see-ster to thank for those tickets!  :D    As always, it was so great to be back in Aggieland….standing (squished like sardines) and sweating more than I ever thought possible while yelling (no cheering!), waving my 12th man towel (except I forgot it, ahem), and enjoying the atmosphere of Kyle Field. For some reason I didn’t take many pics this weekend, but here is one I got of my mom, my see-ster, and me!  I love it…and I love them!  :D  Fall 2009 035


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hadassah "Haddie"

As I type this post, I have the cutest little helper sitting in my lap. Her name is Hadassah, but I'm calling her "Haddie". She is teeny-tiny and absolutely adorable! I may be a little biased, but I'll let you decide for yourself.

This little bundle of energy is about 6 weeks old (we think). She was abandoned, and so I'm not exactly sure when she was born, but she's a little tiny thing. I've had lots of kittens this age in my lifetime, but Haddie is by far the smallest kitten I've ever had.

I'm learning lots of things about Haddie in the 3 days since I brought her home.

  • She LOVES attention. Actually she DEMANDS it!
  • I'm convinced that she thinks her feather toy is an actual bird. She is so proud of herself when she "catches" it. She won't let it go and will growl if you try to take it away from her.
  • There isn't any "people food" I've had that she won't eat, and she would much rather eat my food than cat food.
  • She's a shoulder kitty and likes to sleep on her back.
  • Someone forgot to tell her she's "fun-sized"....she has NO fear!!
  • Can cats have ADHD??? Because I'm pretty sure Haddie does.
  • She has an uncanny ability to delete things off of the computer. I'm learning to save often when she is around.

OB is coming to an end...

Today was my last day in OB clinicals. Surprisingly, I was sad to see this clinical experience come to an end. For the first time, I truly enjoyed my time in the hospital AND I feel like I learned so much! Not only was the clinical itself amazing, but I could not have asked for a better clinical group and instructor.

I could totally see myself working in OB....mostly, I just want to work in the Nursery. There is nothing better than holding newborn babies and realizing that just hours before, they were in their mama's belly. Such a miracle!!

I have my evaluation tomorrow and one last test on Thursday. Starting next week I get Pediatrics! I'm a little anxious to see if I enjoy it as much as I did OB, I sure hope so!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why China? Here's My Answer!

I'm posting this video on here mostly for my own sake. It's not very well done because I put it together really quickly. I did this as a way for me to remember some of my sweet students.

This weekend I was FINALLY (after 3 years!) able to get some software to transfer my video from China 2006 to my computer. I've spend a majority of this weekend on a trip down memory lane with all of the videos. Slowly but surely they are being uploaded to my computer...so I'll have better ones to show (hopefully!) soon. :D I just never know how much time I have to devote to it with school going on.

Since high school, it's been my desire to go to China and tell them all about Father. Until 2006, China was an idea...a dream....a prayer. Now China has a face (or several faces) to me...its the faces of these students...Willan... Doctor... Emy... Chung Chung... Susie.... Why Y... Apple.... Candy... Yellow... Lily... Lucy... Susan...and many more. It's personal now!! Each one of them has a story, and I'm asking that they become a part of my Father's big story. These are some of my dearest friends, and I want them to know Hope and Peace.

So even though this isn't the most high-quality video, I wanted to give you a glimpse of what China looks like to me. These kids are the "WHY" behind the question I often get, but never know exactly how to answer, "Why China?"

Friday, September 4, 2009

Tears of the Saints

"The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed" -- Hudson Taylor

I saw this video the other day and wanted to share it on my blog. It reminded me, once again, of just how many people in our world don't know the saving grace of Jesus. Watch it, and let the Lord speak to you through it...just like He did to me. :D

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Having clinicals two days in a row means that the possibility of getting to see the same patient is highly likely. Yesterday I helped take care of a young, teenage mom who was about to go in for a c-section. When I walked in her room, she had a pretty flat affect....not showing any outward signs of excitement about the new little miracle about to come into her life. Sitting in the room was also the soon-to-be grandma. She made the comment, "Well, I already take care of 3 grandkids, what's a 4th?" Once again, no excitement....no joy...no anticipation...."just another mouth to feed" kind of comment. Yesterday I let that encounter with the family not phase me in the least because I figured the mom was nervous...or scared...about what was to come. After all, she is a young teenage mom.

I was assigned to this same patient today. Except this time when I saw her, she had a BEAUTIFUL baby girl in her room with her. I was so excited for her....she showed no emotion. Once again, I made excuses for her...you know, things like "it's just early in the morning" and "she's just tired". But this is the way it was all shift. The mom didn't want to hold the baby...feed the baby...nothing.

Infact, I went into her room one time because the baby kept crying and the mom was completely engrossed in Hannah Montana. She was so "into" the show that she was ignoring her crying baby and wouldn't have a conversation with me. SERIOUSLY?!?!?! Hannah Montana?!?! This is one of the MANY ways to tell if someone is TOO young to have a baby!!!

The rest of the day was more of the same. Each time I went into her room, I tried to encourage her to hold the baby. If she did hold the baby, she would just put the baby in her arm and continue watching TV. She didn't talk to her or even look at her....she wouldn't call her by her name.

It was heartbreaking and frustrating....especially for this precious baby girl. She came into the world yesterday as "just another mouth to feed"...no one really excited about a little miracle being brought into the world. I prayed for her all day today....that she would know the love of her Heavenly Father. This baby is loved more than she will ever know, and I pray that one day she comes to know the One who loves her so much.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Clinical Uniform Dilemma

I'm a Texas Aggie...no doubt about it! I love everything about the 5 years (only 4 IN school...the last one was just because I didn't want to leave) I spent in College Station...the traditions...Kyle Field...Blue Baker...etc. If you cut me, I WILL bleed MAROON! So you can imagine how hard it was for me to come to a "University of Texas" (t.u.) school here in San Antonio.

Day 1 of first semester, they handed me a burnt orange tshirt to wear to class. I pretended not to understand that I was actually supposed to WEAR the tshirt, hid it under my arm, and tried to walk into class. BUSTED...they told me I needed to wear the burnt orange, hideous tshirt to class. They must not care to much about my allergy to ALL THINGS burnt orange. After a little grumbling under my breath, I obliged. When class was over, I took the tshirt off and put it in a drawer...yet to see it since then.

For my first two semesters of nursing school, the administration went with a very traditional white uniform for our clinicals in the hospital. We looked like marshmallows....wearing ALL white from head to toe. No one liked our uniforms, but I figured there was no use to complain. Obviously someone (or several someones) decided to complain about our uniforms, and the buzz throughout Semester 2 was that there would be a uniform change over the summer. I was excited, but I obviously wasn't considering the options!

They DID change the uniforms. So now we no longer walk around looking like marshmallows (YAY!), but now we will look like pumpkins (BOO!!!). Burnt orange top (REALLY?!?!) and black bottoms. They didn't think to ask about my allergy to wearing burnt orange....I'm pretty sure that's important for them to know. Who knows, I might just fall over and die from wearing the awful color! :D

Anywho...I decided to do something about it. My thought...I'll wear a maroon Aggie tshirt under the burnt orange one. That idea was shot down SUPER FAST when they said only white could be worn underneath...DRATS. So I got to thinking again...I'll make some white Aggie tanktops to go under the burnt orange top. So that's was my project for the day! Allergic reaction...err....crisis averted!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

God. Rocked. My. World.

There is no denying that I absolutely love the first day of school. I'm almost certain that I always have! I love our family tradition of waking up extra early and going out for the "first day of school breakfast"; I love getting to use my brand new school supplies (which still makes me giddy even at 24 years old); I love getting to see friends again; I love the clean slate of NO previous grades determining how much/when I study for exams. Today, like all other first days, was great, but God really rocked my world and left me yearning for more of this semester.

You see, this is the semester I've been looking forward to since I started nursing school...

First semester wasn't bad...basic nursing care, pharmacology, nursing process, overcoming my fear of touching patients and invading their space, etc.

Second semester was the worst school semester (by far!) I've EVER had in my life. Which left me longing for....

Third semester! This is when we actually get our hands on the babies and kiddos. Yes! What I want to do with my life...FINALLY! Our third semester is divided into two blocks. For me, I have OB during 1st block, and starting in October, I will have Pediatrics for my 2nd block.

So back to today....first day...third semester...

We began OB by learning about the newborn transition during the first few hours/days of their life. What an amazing transformation takes place!! Did you know that before the baby is born, he/she doesn't use the lungs and liver for the purpose God created it for outside the womb?? The mom takes care of that. Because of this little detail, God created different shunts in the baby's circulatory system so that the blood can be diverted away from those organs (for the most part). When the baby takes it's first breath and lets out it's first cries, those shunts (are supposed to) close, and the baby's circulation now performs "normal" (for lack of a better word) circulation.

Then you have ways that babies attach & bond to the mom...

Then there is the way babies have really interesting reflexes...

Then there is the way they keep themselves warm since they don't "shiver"...

The list could go on and on....

Today I was reminded that I serve an amazingly creative, beautiful, thoughtful God who pays attention to the most intricate details of his children. None of this was an accident....it was God's perfect design.

As I sat through this lecture in amazement and awe of this, He gently reminded me that He is the one who knits babies together in their mother's womb and plans and numbers their days....I am no exception.

So in the midst of trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do when I finish nursing school, He said, "Rest. Trust. I have YOU in the palm of My hand." The same God who moves the blood where it needs to go in our bodies knows the plans He has for me, Katie! The same amazingly creative, beautiful, thoughtful God who pays attention to the most intricate details of his children really rocked my world today.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Josh. Britney. Annika.

I've been so blessed over the past several months by Josh, Britney, and Annika. They started coming to House Church when Annika was only a few months old and have become dear friends to me. Yesterday they moved away from San Antonio, and I'm not too sure how I feel about it. :D Of course I am happy for the opportunities ahead of them and that they are walking out their lives in obedience to the Lord, but I am surely going to miss them.

I loaned my camera to them a while back, and I have had fun with all the pictures they took of Annika on it. Annika, your Auntie Katie/Waffle Fries/Chicken loves you a lot!

Sweet Annika with Auntie Katie!
(I swiped this pic from Facebook...why the quality isn't great!)

This smile...with those dimples! Killer...simply melts my heart EVERY time!

Annika was totally digging the Pickle Juice Popsicle we gave her while packing up their apartment!

Love you guys so much!! Come back and visit...SOON!

***Britney- So sorry for swiping the family pics from my camera and posting them without asking you. I hope it's ok! :D ***

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Skyping with Apple

I've told Hannah and Katie stories about Apple from the time I got back from China in 2006. It's really cute because Apple now knows who they are and asks about them. I thought it would be fun to Skype with Apple while the girls were at my house so that they could actually see and talk to her. So we did...and it was fun! We didn't talk too long because the Apple's internet connection was pretty bad, but it was still good to see her and hear how she is doing.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Big Plans For The Night!

HANNIE a.k.a. Hannah-belle IS SPENDING THE NIGHT!!

I love slumber parties! :D

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Chinese Emergency Room

Ok...so this is the first time I have participated in Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop, but I am going to give it a try. When I saw the prompt about the ER, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to write about my experience.

The prompt I chose: Your trip to the ER...spill it. (inspired by Stephanie from This Blessed Life).

I must preface this story by saying that I am one of the most clumsy people you will ever meet. Usually these mishaps result in broken bones of some sort (I think I'm up to 13 if I remember correctly), but I hadn't been to the ER for one until the summer of 2007.

Let me set this up a little bit for you...It's the middle of July in Nanning, Guangxi, PRC...yes, that's right..a Chinese ER experience. I'd been at the school in China where I would be teaching English for the remainder of the summer less than 24 hours when the incident occured. It was raining...I slipped on the stairs...fell...and then landed on my arm. OUCH! My forearm immediately swelled because of the way I landed on the stairs, but the catch is...that ISN'T where I broke it. I broke my elbow...

Now to the actual ER visit. My team leader, a teacher from the school (serving as our translator), and I all load up in a taxi and head to the hospital. Once we arrive and walk inside, culture shock IMMEDIATELY takes over. I look to my right and there is a small child (about 2.5 years old) with an IV in her scalp SCREAMING in her dad's arms. I look to my left and there are (no lie!) about 50 people on IV drips in the waiting room. I really wish I had my taken my camera so that I could have some proof of this. Straight ahead there is a bench where I am informed to sit and wait my turn. Overwhelmed by everything else going on, I obey ask no questions about it!

Oh...the best of the story is yet to come.

After waiting a surprisingly short amount of time, some hospital worker (nurse...tech...I'm not sure. It was someone dressed in all white) grabs me (literally!) from the bench and takes me to a desk at the front of the ER. She hands me a card (all written in Mandarin, may I add) and asks me to fill it out. My Mandarin skills are limited, but I was able to figure out they wanted me to write my FULL name (which is somewhat lengthy) in a space about like this._____ Really?!?! I politely tell my translator that I don't think my name will fit in the space. He started talking to the people at the desk (I'm assuming it's about the fact that my name won't fit in the space, but what do I know?). After their little convo, our translator says with a hint of shock/surprise in his voise, "You don't have a Chinese name?" To which I WANTED to reply, "Do I LOOK like I have a Chinese name?!?!?!" Apparently realizing that I am American and we don't generally have our names written in Chinese characters, (although I wouldn't mind! :D), he proceeds to write something in that little space intended for my name. What our translator didn't know is that I'm not COMPLETELY illiterate when it comes to Mandarin, and I recognized what he wrote for my name. 外国人。。。"wai guo ren" (in pin yin)....translated "FOREIGNER" in English. I didn't let on that I knew what he wrote, but it struck me as funny. The rest of my visit to the ER, I wasn't known as Katie, but "wai guo ren"....foreigner. In their defense, the description fit perfectly, and no one would be confused of who they were talking to...or about.
While I filled out the information card, the nurse told me they needed to take my temperature. To my surprise (to this day I ask myself why I am surprised at ANYTHING that happens in China) they take a thermometer out from a guys arm, shake it a bit, and shove it under mine. Disgusting...although I could think of much worse scenarios.

Promptly after taking my temperature, they usher me into the doctor's office. He takes a good look at the swelling in my forearm and sends me up to x-ray. X-rays...something familiar. After all, having 13 broken bones makes for having an abundance of xrays taken throughout my short life. The Xray Technician sat me down in a chair, threw my broken arm (literally!) on the table, and walks out of the room.

"Excuse me, Mr. X-Ray Tech...ummm...did you forget the lead apron for my lap?!?! I would like to have babies someday." It was to no avail. He was gone... My X-rays were taken... No protective lead apron... a standard radation precaution that we take for granted in the good ole U.S. of A.

The xrays came back (may I remind you they are of my forearm, NOT my elbow, which was actually broken) and they sent me back in to see the doctor. He pulled on my arm (literally!) for a few minutes with tears running down my face because of the excruciating pain he was putting me through.

Doctor's diagnosis....not broken. WHAT?!?

Doctor's prescription...a spray (yes, a spray!) to put on my arm a few times a day.

So we left the Chinese ER...in serious pain...and frustrated that nothing was accomplished during the 3 hour ER visit except a fun story and great memories.

Although that is the end of my ER extravaganza, I feel like I need to fill you in on the rest of the story....

I called my dad who is an Orthopaedic Physician's Assistant and sent him my xrays via telephone. I told him the story of what happened, where it was hurting/swelling, etc, and the conclusion was "yes, you broke your elbow!" The ER doctor ordered that my forearm...not my elbow...be xrayed. The doc (in America) looked everything over and agreed that, indeed, I had fractured my radial head (elbow). They then overnighted some materials to splint my arm for the rest of my stay in China. Talk about a long distance consult!

That's my ER story!
Me with one of my students...I wasn't going to let a broken arm keep me away from having the TIME OF MY LIFE with these kids in China!

***I feel like I should put in this little bit of information in here for those of you who don't know me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE China. Everything about China! Infact, I want to spend my life working with special needs orphans in this country that I love so very much. In no way am I making fun of their healthcare or medicine. This story turned out to be one of my very favorite memories from being in China. That's the reason why I wanted to share it with you!***

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Change. It's a word that overwhelms me more than any other. If it's an expected change, I usually make it through okay, but unexpected changes throw me for a loop.

Moving to San Antonio. an expected change. I thought about it. I planned for it. I prayed about it and truly felt a peace in my heart about the move. There was plenty of time for me to prepare myself for leaving the life I'd established in College Station for 5 years and transition into a new stage of life. When the time came to say goodbye to Aggieland, I was ready. Grateful for my time in Aggieland, but ready for a brand new chapter of life.

2 years for nursing school instead of 1.5 years. an unexpected change. Throughout the process of applying to nursing school, I was led to believe that I was in the accelerated program which would finish in December 2009 instead of May 2010. The first day of class, I realized (for the first of many times to come in nursing school) that I was led to believe something that wasn't true. I had mentally prepared myself for 1.5 years of student loans....1.5 years to receive my BSN...1.5 years until I would start a "real" job. In a matter of minutes, I had to wrap my mind around an extra semester. For some, that may not be so difficult...for me, the planner...it threw me for a loop.

As I sit here, 5 days shy of living in San Antonio for one year, I realize just how much change has taken place in this time.
  • I'm starting to use the word "home" to describe San Antonio
  • I have an entirely new group of friends I hang out with regularly
  • I've gone from loving BIG churches to being incredibly happy in House Church
  • I use one tube of toothpaste instead of two
  • I don't have to walk on the left side of people anymore
  • I can occasionally leave my bed unmade for the day without completely freaking out
  • My eating habits are much different from this time last year
  • Driving 30-45 minutes now seems like a fairly "quick trip" across town

Oh and those are just a few of the changes I've seen. Some of those changes may be trivial, but many of them are part of a much bigger change I've seen in my life this year. The Lord IS CHANGING me. He has turned my little world upside down this year....at times left me feeling broken, but I see evidences in my life of Him molding me more into the image of His Son. I'm so grateful for that change. Unexpected? Somewhat, but something I for which I've been praying. Did it throw me for a loop? At times it did, but He is teaching me to relinquish control. By giving Him control, I'm starting to praise Him for the change He is making in my heart and life.

Philippians 1:6
"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thankful Thursday!

This is going to be short and sweet (with no pictures...sorry!), but I wanted to post. I'm so thankful today for some good quality sister time. Jenny came to visit from College Station on Tuesday, and we have had tons of fun. Yesterday we went to Schlitterbahn...today we went swimming and to Sea World...tomorrow after I work we are going to Fredericksburg to see my grandparents. Am I exhausted? Yes. Is it worth it? Most definitely.

What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Difficult Day in L&D

Working in Labor and Delivery is a job that can take you from one extreme of emotions to the other within a matter of minutes. Earlier this summer, for example, I witnessed a sweet mother lose her baby at 20 weeks. In the same shift, I watched a sweet baby being born. Needless to say, that was a slightly emotional day.

Today was one of the days where I saw a lot of heartache and tears. One young mother came in for an ultrasound to find her baby (14 weeks) had no heartbeat. Another middle-aged woman received news that a tumor she's had for a long period of time has some new manifestations that are seriously going to hinder her life. Both of these women were brought to tears, and all that I could do was watch and pray for them at a distance. Oh how I wanted to do more for them, but everything I could think of felt so inadequate. I'm so thankful that the Lord can meet them where they are in their specific situations. I was reminded today of this scripture,

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18

Lord, be close to these ladies today. May your nearness to them bring peace and comfort that no one else can give.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

When Texas Came To Portland....(Part 3)

Sunday (my final day in Portland) started off with sleeping in. For me that was until 6:45, but Brynn and Trina woke up around 8ish. Brynn, being the amazing hostess she is, fixed breakfast for us. have I mentioned how much I love this girl?!?! After breakfast I realized that I had 30 minutes, yes 30 MINUTES, to get ready for church. Eventhough I had been awake for a few hours at this point, I did NOTHING to remotely begin getting ready for the day. So we rushed and got ready for church. We went to church, and then came back to Brynn's house to have lunch and load my stuff in the car. I wanted to meet Brynn's family, and so we went to watch her brother play in a baseball tournament. This is where the day gets a little bit hectic....

Brynn and I had been joking about "missing my flight" so that I could stay longer. Leading up to my trip, we tried to get a later flight (the next day) back to San Antonio so that I could spend more time in Portland. Well, from the ballpark, we were going straight to the airport. I think that we figured out just how long we could stay before heading to the airport to make my flight. That time came and we got in Brynn's car at the ballpark. Surprised that I hadn't gotten any phonecalls that afternoon, I looked in my purse to check my phone. I LEFT IT AT BRYNN'S HOUSE!!! Here we are with JUST ENOUGH time to make it to the airport, and now we have to detour to Brynn's to get my phone...can't travel without it. by the way....she didn't live close ANDand she was almost on empty! At this point all I could do was laugh...I really was just kidding about missing my flight! I NEEDED to get on that plane! We make it to the airport at 4:45 and my flight leaves at 5:15. I check in...no problem. Check my bags...no problem. Run to security.....PROBLEM. The line was FOR-E-VER long and moving really slow. I FINALLY get to the front of the security line (a little bit after 5) and they check my carry-on. I was thinking, what could I POSSIBLY have in there that they would be interested in?!?! The guy working OBVIOUSLY didn't realize how big of a hurry I was in and took his precious time checking my bag. I realized that I put a bottle of cranberry juice in the front pocket of my backpack on my flight to Portland and forgot it was there. I told him, and the guy asked, "Would you like to step back through and drink your juice?" I said, "That's ok." To which he replied, "Are you sure? I'm going to have to throw it away if you don't drink it? It's ok if you drink it and then go back through security." With a smile plastered on my face trying to be as nice as possible, I told him, "You don't understand. I don't want my juice. I just want my bag...I'm about to miss my flight!" So he finally handed my bag to me and took off in a dead sprint to my gate. I get there...still have to get a seat assignment...and I am cutting it close. I finally board the plane...sit down in my seat...and breathe. I made it....barely! Almost as soon as I sat down and got situated we were off. I seriously didn't mean to cut it that close!

The rest of the trip was uneventful and I made it back to San Antonio at 1:30 am! My wonderful roommate and friends picked me up from the airport...we went to IHOP...and then had a slumber party. All of that means that I didn't get to sleep until after 4:30 am! So much fun though!
Thank you so much for being an incredible hostess, Brynn! I am so thankful for the friendship that we have. Come see me in Texas!!!! But don't you worry, the second annual "When Texas Came to Portland..." will happen next summer! Love and miss you. ~Texas

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

When Texas Came To Portland... (Part 2)

Day 2 of my Portland adventure began early. We (Brynn, Trina, and I) woke up and went to Dutch Bros. again! I loved the second time just as much as my first Dutch experience. From there we drove to Portland's Saturday Market and met up with Brynn and Trina's friend, Liisa. Saturday Market is where several local people set up booths of things they have created. They have everything from purses to clothing to paintings to flower arrangements...you name it, and you can probably find it at Saturday Market. Such a fun place to visit. I ended up purchasing a super cute messenger bag and a wrap around skirt. I fell in love with both of them immediately. The four of us also got Henna tattoos. Brynn and I got "Wo Ai Ni" which is "I love you" in Chinese...Trina got the chinese character for "joy" on her foot which is perfect because she is the picture of Joy!...and Liisa got a design on her ankle/foot.

Following our trip to Saturday Market, the four of us loaded up in the car and drove about an hour and a half to Cannon Beach on the Oregon coast. It was an overcast day, but it turned out to be an experience I will NEVER forget (but I'll get back to that in a minute). The first stop at the beach was Mo's. They are known for the clam chowder, and so I had to try it. I must sasy, it was my first EVER taste of clam chowder, and it was pretty tasty.

As we were eating our lunch, we spent a good portion of time "people-watching". We all noticed these two guys in matching white, long-sleeve button up shirts with blue jeans setting up a keyboard along the beach. This immediately peaked our interest. It didn't take us long to figure out that these guys were shooting a music video....priceless, amazing entertainment over a nice bowl of clam chowder on an overcast, chilly summer day at an Oregon beach. We finished our meal and went for a walk along the beach. Liisa decided to ask these guys what they were doing and they told us about how they finished recording in the studio a few days earlier and were shooting their music video. They said they still needed one part of the music video and asked if anyone would be interested being part of it. Ok...many of you know me and know that my immediate response was, "No! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!" But according to the other girls, I was "dressed for the part" in my white sundress/coverup with a cardigan. So....you guessed it, I was recruited for a music video...COMPLETELY OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE!! Brynn went first. I still attempted to back out of it, but the girls insisted I do it. I guess that's why I need friends like that in my life...to make me step outside of my comfort zone a little bit. So I found myself, walking "hand in hand" through the water and then breaking up with him...all within a matter of minutes. Brynn gave him her email address, and I'm hoping we will see this video when it's all said and done. I make NO promises of posting it on here, but I will consider it. I will never forget that day...so funny and a memory that I will treasure with these incredible, godly girls.

We concluded our beach trip with a walk through the little town. I got some saltwater taffy (YUM!). Our trip back to Portland was filled with sounds of four girls who absolutely love "Wicked" belting out the entire soundtrack!

Brynn invited some friends over Saturday night to play games and eat smores. There was another Katie there that evening; so I was given the nickname "Tex-Mex". We played frisbee...Signs...Moffia...Spoons...ate smores....and met a bunch of incredible people. After most people left, a few of us played Hand and Foot for a little while. Trina spent Saturday night at Brynn's house, and the three of us had a slumber party. Of all that we did the entire weekend, my favorite part was spending time with Brynn, Trina, Jess, and Candi! Because of that, the slumber party was so much fun. The THREE of us just got to hang out, be silly, dance, catch up on life, and just simply enjoy each others company.

End of full day #2 of the "When Texas Came to Portland..." weekend.

When Texas Came To Portland... (Part 1)

Last Thursday, I boarded a plane to Portland, Oregon to spend the weekend with some friends I met in China in 2006. I can't tell you how much I'd been looking forward to this weekend, not only to see beautiful Portland but to FINALLY get to see Brynn, Trina, Jess, and Candi after almost THREE years.

Before I tell you about my trip, I have to tell you about these amazing friends I went to visit. The friendship we have is completely a God thing. Rewind to July 2006....on my flight with my team of 8 people heading to Yining, Xinjiang, PRC, the school where we were to teach called and backed out of the program. So when we land in China, my team has no place to go! The organization I went with scrambled to make other arrangments for us, and in the end, we were partnered with another team headed to Nanning, Guangxi. I thought, "this could be REALLY awesome or REALLY bad!" Thankfully, it was one of the most life-changing summers of my life to date. The Lord moved mightily in the hearts of some of our students that summer. You may remember the story of Apple who is now a believer and one of my dear friends. The Lord also blessed me with some incredible friendships of people on the team we were partnered with....this is where my friends from Portland come into the picture. Almost instantly, I felt as though Brynn, Trina, and I were kindred spirits. I loved their company and it felt as though I had known them forever. We laughed together...prayed together...explored China together...lived life together for five weeks. Jess was the team leader for the other team, and he picked on me about my conservative, Texas lovin', "southern belle" ways. I loved it! A couple of weeks into our trip Jess' wife, Candi, came to visit us in China, and just like the rest of the Portlanders, she was awesome too! Looking back to the circumstances that led me to Nanning that summer, God's hand was in all of it, and I am so thankful! I love these precious people/blessings.

Thursday night after two delayed flights and a lengthy layover in Dallas, I arrived in Portland...FINALLY!!! Brynn picked me up at the airport and we went back to her house. Both of us were pretty exhausted from the day, but we ended up staying up WAY too late talking and drinking sweet tea (that she learned how to make just for me). Little did I know how literally EVERY MOMENT of my weekend in Portland was packed with things to do.

Friday started bright and early with a little bit of Dutch Bro. coffee on the way to work. I LOVED the coffee....and I'm not a coffee drinker at all. Then it was off to Warner Pacific College where Brynn is an admissions counselor. Mid morning, I went and met up with Jess, Candi, and little Ella. Little Ella will always be the way I will know "how long" I've known Jess and Candi because Candi found out she was pregnant RIGHT before coming to see us in China. The four of us drove around Portland and they took me to Voodoo Donuts. It was crazy! Definitely culture shock for this Texas girl. I mean, seriously, who has a donut in the shape of a voodoo doll complete with a pretzel stick to poke the doll?!? C-R-A-Z-Y!!!!

Jess and Candi took me to meet back up with Brynn at lunch. Brynn and I then went and picked up Chinese food and met Trina for a picnic. Eating Chinese with them brought back so many memories from China. We did have a slight mishap with the food though. They put our order in plastic containers and the food was so hot it melted throught the plastic. Whoops! So when we opened it, the food kinda went everywhere and we had to be innovative with how to eat it. Trina came to the rescue and got us bowls and napkins.

Brynn and I said goodbye to Trina and then we took off to do some sight seeing. We drove up to the Gorge and visited several beautiful places. Our first stop was Multnomah Falls. We then drove up the Historic (beautiful) Hwy and stopped at Crown Point and Larch Mountain. We took TONS of pictures while we were up there. I can't describe to you the beauty of the mountains. We serve an amazingly beautiful and creative God. I love that I was able to sit and just be in awe of HIS vast creation which reminded me how BIG He is, yet at the same time to be reminded of how intimately He knows me. How can He be so immense, but at the same way know and care of every small detail?!? What an AWESOME God we serve!

The night didn't end there....Brynn and I went back to her house, changed clothes and met up with one of her friends for dinner at the Montage. It was a neat place to eat. The food was really good, but the leftovers were what made the experience! They package your leftovers in the shape of different animals made out of aluminum foil. Mine was a swan, Brynn's was a snail. :D

We then went downtown and walked up to Portland City Grille to get a view of the Portland skyline. It was beautiful...I'm such a sucker for city lights...I love them. We then went to a place called McFadden's for an evening of dancing. So much fun!!!
Ok guys...that's just the end of day 1. More to come on the rest of the weekend when I have a chance to get the posts up. Hopefully it will be soon. I'm only going to post a few pictures, but I am planning on putting together a slideshow of some more pictures. When that is finished, I'll post it on here as well! I know that was long, but thanks for bearing with me. I want to have everything that we did written down so that I can look back and remember it all.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Life is Good!

This post may (ok, it will be) scattered, but hang with me as there has been A LOT going on since I last posted in February. When the Lord placed the phrase "wherever He leads, I'll go!" as a prayer on my heart several months ago, I had no idea that He meant even here....right now! Slowly but surely, I'm learning to trust what the Lord with each little detail.
This semester of nursing school has definitely NOT been an enjoyable one. I can't remember a time when I have disliked school as much as I have since January. It has been full of psych clinicals....Saturday at 6:30 am clinicals....lots of papers....even more busy work....ridiculous school policies...lack of help from faculty. You know, all things that can make the life of a nursing student pretty difficult. I do have to say that through it all, I have the best clinical group! I just love each and every one of them. I'm so thankful for the relationships that have been formed and the ways I have seen the Lord working inspite of the unfavorable circumstances.

Aren't we a good looking group?!?

You would trust us to be your nurses, right?!?

I have been looking forward to the summer (not just to be finished with 2nd semester) because I thought I would beparticipating in a medical mission trip to Mexico. It was a trip where I would be able to sharpen my skills and gain confidence in my abilities as a nurse. Friday I received an email from my instructor saying the trip was cancelled due to the violence going on in Mexico. I was disappointed to say the least. If you know me well, you know I love to have things planned, and this definitely messed with my summer plans.

The awesome thing is that even though there is disappointment, there is even more of a peace about my summer. I trust that whatever happens this summer was already ordained by the Lord before time began....eventhough I am surprised, God isn't! I'm trusting HIM! Once again, if you know me well, you know that is a HUGE accomplishment. The need for control has LESS control over me! hehe

That being said...

I'll be living in San Antonio for the summer, and I am super excited about that. 小Katie....I AM GOING TO GA CAMP THIS SUMMER! Other than a week of GA camp, I will be working in Labor & Delivery as a PCA (patient care assistant). PCA is a program set up at University Hospital for nursing students to gain more experience/confidence in their skils. Wait a second....isn't that exactly what I wanted from Mexico?!?! God provides! The nurses seem to be really good to work with, and I will be able to work as much or as little as I am able. I'm excited!

If you go to my sweet friend Cindy's blog, you can see a little story that has been awesome to be a part of the past couple of weeks. (skip to the last part about an Iraqi conversation) Then after you read that, read this one to see another part of the story. Oh, it's a good one! :D

I took "Lillie" to the store today to buy groceries. Well, I THOUGHT we were going to buy groceries, but really she just wanted to go shopping. While shopping, I attemped to teach her three year old son some English (because I found out today the only thing he REALLY says in English is "H-E-B"!). Through some role playing and translating by Lillie, her son learned "thank you". It was the sweetest thing to see him finally get it. His entire countenance changed and began smiling from ear to ear with a sense of pride and accomplishment in his beautiful brown eyes! For the next 15 minutes, he would say "thank you", and I would reply, "you're welcome"! He would laugh and smile even bigger. It was such a simple sweet reminder to me that even the youngest child wants to be heard and understood. What a difference one little phrase can make!

I point you to that blog and tell you that story to say....maybe this is my "Wherever He leads..." moment right now. There has never been a time in my life where I have been surrounded by so many people from different nations at one time. It truly brings a personal meaning to, "ask and I'll give the nations to you." He means it...they are right here! Within about a 5 mile radius of where I live, there are many nations represented with MANY needs. So each day I ask, "Lord, how can I be a part of what you are doing today?" The answer may be as simple as "take Lillie to the store". I pray my response will be, "I'll go...wherever you lead."

Life is good...even when it's difficult....because I serve a God who is REALLY GOOD!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'll Stop Procrastinating...Later!

You would think that since I have a Chronic Test in 17 hours and have logged in a total of oh.....3 hours study time, I would be studying....WRONG! I decided to procrastinate even longer and post (just a couple) pictures from my birthday on Monday.

Six of the nursing school girls went to dinner on the River Walk on Monday night and then back to the apartment for dessert. Fun times! I love these girls so much. :)

We ALL should have been doing this....

...but instead, we did THIS! Much more fun!

Joan (my roomie!), me, and Julie

Ok...enough of that. I really should get back to reading about Diabetes and Circulation. Don't be too jealous. Only the evening of studying and ONE test in the morning separate me from my THREE DAY WEEKEND! What will I ever do with all of that free time?!?!