Wednesday, October 3, 2012

He Sees the Bigger Picture- Mongolia (Part 1)

If ever there is a time when I'm at loss for words on how to update you on the past couple of weeks, it is now.   

Type.  Delete.  Type.  Delete.  That seems to be all that's happening as I search for words!  

Without a doubt, this was one of the most physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausting weeks of my life so far.  Yet, it was also one of the most beautiful displays of God's miracles and grace that I have ever experienced first hand.  To say that we experienced the highest of highs followed by some pretty low lows is an definitely puts any roller coaster I've ever been on to shame.  Even so, there is NO WAY I would have wanted it to be any different.  

As a team, our goal was to mend physically broken hearts and also introduce the people to the Great Physician who alone can heal their spiritual hearts.  Mission accomplished!  There were 9 open heart surgeries performed and around 20 other procedures performed during our week in Mongolia.  Even more exciting than those numbers are the number of people who chose to follow Jesus!  I don't have an exact number, but I do know that when we get to heaven we will get to see many Mongolian faces who's hearts were healed this week!  

Amen!  Amen!  Amen!

As a newcomer to the For Hearts and Souls team, I had no idea what to expect for the week.  The interwoven theme of all of my trips has been to enter my time overseas not with EXPECTATIONS, but to enter with of a heart of EXPECTANCY of God to move.  When I  head into the unknown (or even the known, for that matter) with expectations, my preconceived ideas are usually left unmet.  Sometimes that's good; sometimes it is heart breaking.  With a heart expecting and trusting God to work in and through me, I find freedom in simply sitting back and allowing Him free reign to use my hands, feet, heart, and prayers to serve whomever He chooses.  It's a blessing to serve, and I get giddy with excitement over being CHOSEN to show Jesus to others.  

I left Mongolia with a deeper understanding of God's grace.  Don't get me wrong, I don't completely understand it all, but God allowed me to see the power of His grace.   Our team saw miracles...literal MIRACLES!  We got to see God heal hearts here on earth, but we also experienced God's perfect healing of a young boy who is now dancing with Jesus---his heart PERFECTLY whole!  Yes, both of those are miracles...both extremes are HEALING.  God's grace is what get's us through day to day---God's grace is what allowed many to come to know Him this week, and God's grace is going to be what gets the family of sweet Ireedui through this awful time of grieving.  

I also saw God's grace working in me this week.  So often I get caught up in the moment of what's happening right here...right now.  As we cared for sweet Ireedui during the night, my heart was broken for him and his family.  My flesh wondered why this sweet little boy had to endure what we presume to be a stroke which only days later allowed him to see Jesus.  We prayed over him, and we shared Jesus with his mom and dad.  My flesh wondered if mom and dad would BLAME my Jesus for this happening to Ireedui, and I was not okay with that.  If I had it my way, God would have reached down and performed another miracle that we could see with our physical eyes.  It was during the night and the following morning through some wise words that God spoke gently to my heart, "Dear daughter, you have NO IDEA what I am doing behind the scenes.  Yes, you are hurting.  Yes, the family is hurting, but I don't waste pain.  My grace is bigger than the circumstances you see right now."  He reminded me that I can only see the single puzzle piece right in front of me.  By itself, that puzzle piece doesn't make any sense, but He, the One who loves me, Ireedui, and Ireedui's family more than anyone can imagine, sees the entire puzzle...He knows EXACTLY where this puzzle piece fits, and in time He will fit that puzzle piece into the beautiful puzzle that He is already piecing together.  Then one day (which may be heaven) He will show us how it all words together for HIS GLORY!  

Nothing more...nothing less!  It's all about Him.  

We went to mend hearts, yet God changed mine in the process.  I'm so thankful!  

It is a wild ride following Jesus, but I wouldn't have it any other way!  

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mending Broken Hearts in MONGOLIA!!

So it turns out (as if anyone is surprised!) that I am awful at updating my blog.  But true to the blog’s name “Wherever He Leads…I’ll Go”---I tend to update when God is leading in a fun, new direction.  **Believe me, you wouldn’t be impressed with my day to day; therefore, NO NEED to update you on that! **
So I’m here to update and tell you…
GOD is at it again…
Opening doors that seem to be jammed shut! 
Oh, how excited I get when I get to be a part of His Heart for the nations!!
In less than 2 weeks I leave for Mongolia…yes, MONGOLIA!!! 
Before I get to that story, I feel like you may need a little back story to be able to understand why I’m so stinkin’ excited about this trip. 
Until 2007, I had every intention of graduating from A&M and heading off to medical school.  As I would soon find out, that was MY plan for my life and not God’s plan for my life.  Through a series of events, God opened my eyes to the world of nursing.  The more I researched my options, I realized that NURSING was the direction the Lord was leading me into….not medical school. 
I was confused…I didn't understand at the time.  Luckily God doesn’t ask or even desire for us to know all of the details before being obedient, He just says to listen and obey…He is faithful to fill in the details in His perfect time.  As I prepared for nursing school, God placed on my heart that I wasn’t just “going to school”.  Time and time again He showed me that nursing school was my training for the mission field HE was preparing for me.  I felt like the Lord preparing me for my future in missions----whether here in the States or overseas. 
Ok….back to Mongolia! 
There is a group of physicians,  nurse practitioners, nurses, etc. from the hospital where I work that go to Mongolia every year.  They go with a group called For Hearts and Souls.  When I began working at Santa Rosa in July 2010, my preceptor was preparing to leave for the trip they would take in September.  My interest was peeked. What was this group all about?  What are they doing in Mongolia?  MAY I GO, please please please?!?!?!?!?!  So I began to ask questions. What I found out is that For Hearts and Souls goes into Mongolia to screen children for heart defects and then they mend their little broken hearts.  I knew that as soon as I had enough nursing experience, I wanted to be part!  Last year (2011) I wanted to go so badly, but I wasn’t able to go.  I thought this year was going to be the same.  
But God had other plans…
He opened door….after door….after door.  He opened doors that I was almost certain couldn’t be opened.  I’m sure He gets a good laugh at me in situations like this!!  But honestly, there is nothing that thrills me more than seeing God at work in my heart in circumstances such as these----seriously, NOTHING thrills me more!  He’s so good to me! 
So what is it about this trip that gets me so excited??
My heart is for the nations….God has put something deep inside of me that desires to see ALL NATIONS know Him.  When God told me that nursing school was how He was equipping and training me for my mission field, He knew that this trip to Mongolia (and hopefully other trips like this---or more long term!) was part of His plan for me.  Yes….the PICU at Santa Rosa is my mission field, day in and day out, and I don’t take that for granted! But part of me knows that medical mission work overseas is what I was created to do---to HIS glory and for HIS glory!  I’m so excited because this the first trip I’ve taken that combines so many of the things that I’m most passionate about in life---children, the nations, sharing Jesus with those who don’t know Him, and nursing/medicine.  
So as we mend broken hearts, we get to share about the ULTIMATE Mender of ALL broken hearts….and God is LETTING me be a part of that!  :) 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lessons from David

Since January, I’ve had the privilege of studying the life of David….one who was considered to be “a man after God’s own heart”.

I’ve always thought how cool would it be to be considered a woman after God’s own heart.

But it wasn’t until I really started digging into David’s life I got a glimpse of what that REALLY meant.  David was human…he was a man with big successes, but he was also a man with big failures.  Even still, God considered David to be a man after His own heart. 

David wasn’t the obvious choice to be king….but GOD CHOSE HIM!

God used David’s occupation (shepherd) as preparation for the plan HE had set out for David long before David ever knew what was happening.  {Psalm 78:70-72}  How awesome is that???  I love verse 72 where it says “he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them with his skillful hands.” 

God showed me that HE knows what He’s doing.  HE has me right where I’m supposed to be for a reason, even if that reason doesn’t always make sense to me.  HE is using each situation as a way to prepare me for His purpose for my life.  Often I forget to look at it that way, but I’m learning! 

I love that David wasn’t perfect….it gives me much comfort to know that God doesn’t call “perfect” people to make a difference in His kingdom…..whew, that’s DEFINITELY a relief to me!  Anyone else?!?! 

At the end of David’s life he was talking to Solomon as Solomon was about to take the throne as God had promised.  *I like to put my name in this verse * “As for you, Katie, know the God of your father and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hears and understands every intent of the thoughts.”  1 Chronicles 28:9

If David, a man after God’s own heart, is giving this advice to his son, I think it’s pretty wise that I take a special note to that too.  At the end of David’s life, he knew what was important, and that was the importance of willingly serving God with your mind and WHOLE heart. 

Won’t you do the same?!?  How awesome would it be for God to consider you and me as men/women after His own heart??  Even with all of our successes and failures, it can be said of us if we willingly serve Him with our whole hearts and minds.

When all is said and done, my desire is to be Katie, a woman after God’s own heart! 

Monday, March 26, 2012

ROCK 1…Part 2!

So here is Part 1!   Read that one first to get the story of what happened!  Spring 2012 334

**I have to say something I LOVE about this picture.  For the most part, this is the way I felt throughout the trip.  Even though I was hurt, my team was behind and beside me…watching out for and taking care of me!** 

As He is always faithful to do, God taught…well IS TEACHING….me so much through this setback.  I’m certain there will be a Part 3 to this story because the setbacks keep coming when all I want is for this leg to be well! 

What was my immediate thought when this happened??  OUCH!!!!  That’s a no brainer!  It hurt SOOO bad! 

Shortly after that initial thought, my mind went to the earthquake victims.  My first trip to Haiti was a medical relief trip less than 2 months after the earthquake happened.  We took care of MANY orthopedic injuries as a result of being crushed/trapped in the rubble.  I had NO IDEA how to even begin to relate to these people because I’d never been in that situation. 

All of a sudden, I am on the ground after having my leg crushed between two large rocks!  God gave me a small glimpse into what they must have felt. 

ONE rock crushed my leg…..I can’t imagine being trapped under entire houses of rubble….some people trapped for days! 

Perspective….God gave me perspective and a new compassion for the incredible pain all of Haiti had to endure.  Not only did they endure physical pain…but emotional, spiritual…every kind of pain imaginable!  Yet in the midst of their pain, they worshipped! 

When I was tempted to get down about being on crutches and not being able to work, God brought me back to reality and reminded me of this perspective!   My mind went back to Roberta from my first trip to Haiti, and I remembered all she endured without complaint!  He also reminded me of a story I learned more of on this trip…one I will hopefully share later! 

So many people were praying for physical protection over this trip, and even in being injured I can say with confidence that GOD ANSWERED!  I escaped without a broken bone…just a beat up leg!  This had the potential to be much worse than it was!!  I’m so thankful it wasn’t. 

God has also showed me a beneficial lesson in slowing down…but that’s going to be for Part 3 because I don’t think I’m finished learning that one!  :)  



Two (I’m not sure which two) rocks in this pile are responsible for an injury that’s still giving me trouble.Spring 2012 295

I got injured!

**is anyone surprised?!?!***

Spring 2012 286

While most people were still getting on their work gloves, I decided to get to work.  A teammate and I picked up a rock that was about 100 lbs and started moving it. 

I began to lose my balance…so I stepped back to catch myself with my left foot. 

That didn’t go as planned!!

Instead of catching myself, I stepped back onto another rock….tripped and fell….landing on the rock! 

The momentum of the rock we were carrying (remember….100 lbs.!!!) fell on top of my leg that was already laying on top of the rock I tripped over!

Make sense???

So basically it sandwiched my leg between the two rocks!

Spring 2012 292Spring 2012 293

A couple of hours later, we were finished with that project…

Then it dawned on me that I would ACTUALLY have to walk…or somehow get around on this *very swollen/painful* leg for the remainder of my time in Haiti.

(were you surprised?!?!…I wasn’t!  He’s pretty good like that!)

One of our guys had some crutches just laying around the house!  THANKYOUJESUS!!!

So this is how I hobbled around Haiti! Spring 2012 304

About 5 minutes into walking on these crutches…the wooden one gave me a blister!

Once again….is anyone surprised?!?!  It only makes sense that it would happen this way when I’m the one involved!  I can’t seem to make any trip uneventful!Spring 2012 310

Spring 2012 367So…I hobbled to the ocean with the rest of the crew and enjoyed an incredible view!  Too bad I couldn’t get IN the water…which I really wanted to do, but I figured that wouldn’t be too smart considering the previous events of my day!!         Spring 2012 366

So there you have it…
the story…

Wanna know what God showed *is currently showing* me through it?!?!  Part 2 coming soon! 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yung Goddi’s BBQ

Summer 2011 047

One of my favorite parts of going back to Haiti time and time again is seeing my Haitian brothers, known as the Yung Goddi’s (young men of God).  Their name fits them perfectly.  These guys are amazing!  Some of them have heart wrenching stories, but all of them love the Lord with every fiber of their being.  They are family to us. 

Spring 2012 254

People always ask me if I am ever scared while in Haiti, and my answer is always the same….”Nope!  Not as long as I have one of the guys (Yung Goddi’s) with me!”  They are so protective of us…all the time!  Because of these guys, I always feel safe in Haiti.  Not only are they protective of us, they take care of their community.  Everyone knows them---they are kinda like the “gang” that runs the community!  Praise the Lord that the “gang” that runs this community is one of God-fearing men.  God is using them to reach out and change the community!  We love these guys, and we love partnering with them!

Spring 2012 255

On Saturday night, they put on a delicious BBQ for us with the most delicious food!  It was a time of fun and fellowship.  We heard testimonies from one of the guys (Little Jimmy) and a guy who came to know Christ back in October while our church was there working.  GOD IS ON THE MOVE….It was awesome to hear the stories…meet their families…and share a meal with everyone!     Spring 2012 257

 Spring 2012 259

Oh Haiti---Where do I even begin?

Spring 2012 265

I must have started and then deleted this post 5 different times…it seems as though I can’t figure out where to begin telling my stories about Haiti!  God did so much while we were there.  I’m almost certain it is impossible to leave Haiti unchanged in some way.  I’ve said time and time again, the Haitian people are absolutely amazing and resilient! 

But when will I ever learn?!?!  When will I learn to leave my days in God’s hands and not have expectations of what will happen?  Not just in Haiti, but just in life in general!  This trip to Haiti included many things that I never in my WILDEST imagination expected to happen.

I NEVER EXPECTED there to be talks of political rioting as we arrived in Haiti….but there was, and God knew!

I NEVER EXPECTED to be in an earthquake (and actually feel it!!) while in Haiti…but I was, and God knew!

I NEVER EXPECTED to be injured while I was in Haiti…but I was, and God knew!

My expectations are always completely blown away each time I go to this beautiful place, and I mean it, Haiti is SERIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL!!! 

I’m thankful that even though I may plan out my life, God is the one who orders my steps and everything that happens is first sifted through His Sovereign Hands…I can trust that!!  No matter the circumstances….no matter the outcome….He KNOWS!! 

These next few posts, I’ll try to put my week into words….oh, how I wish you could have experienced it with me…first hand!  That would be the best!  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Haiti Bound

It’s here!  It’s here!  I*finally* got everything packed and every item crossed off my to-do list.  I am beyond excited that this time tomorrow I will be in Haiti!

In less than 24 hours…

…I’ll be taking in the sights and sounds of Haiti.
…I’ll be watching some people on my team experience Haiti for the first time.
…I’ll be laughing and catching up with sweet friends.
…I’ll be scheming ways to actually ride in a *Tap-Tap* (Haitian “taxi”) during this trip. 
…I’ll be so thankful that God, once again, has blessed me beyond anything I could ask for and let me go back to this amazing country. 

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times…the people in Haiti are amazing!  They are strong…they are resilient…they are brave…they love people well.  Each time I go, God teaches me so much simply by being in the presence of Haitian believers and listening to their stories. 

As I am gone, I would love and appreciate your prayers so much!  Here are some specific ways to be praying…

1-  As I’ve been praying over this trip, the same prayer I pray every day as I go to work in the PICU is the prayer that God’s put on my heart for my time in Haiti.  My heart is to be the hands and feet of Jesus!  Would you pray that I would- see with Jesus’ eyes; love with His heart; and be His hands and feet?  Would you pray that as He works through me (and my team) that we would bring peace, hope, joy, and comfort to everyone we have the chance to meet. 

2-  Pray that I would love people well with no agenda other than to do what God asks me to do and be who He asks me to be.  

3-  Pray that this would be a “medically uneventful” trip.   Some of you may know that I had an allergic reaction the last time I was in Haiti.  I’m prepared this time with all sorts of meds, but if I’m honest, I’m a little anxious about something else happening while I’m gone.   **I’m not very good at this one**

Thank you in advance for praying!  Can’t wait to share when I get back!! 

It’s a WILD RIDE following Jesus, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The 27 Years of ME!

Tomorrow I turn 27 years old!  CRAZY!!  This past year has flown by so quickly and so much has happened!  A couple of years ago before my birthday, I took a trip down memory lane and recorded on my blog some of my biggest memories of my life to that point.  I figured I would continue to add to it each year as a way to remember the big things…the small things…the things the Lord is doing in my life…etc. 

YEAR 1: It all began on February 16, 1985 when all 10 lbs. 11 oz. of me made an entrance into the world. Of course I don’t remember anything from this year, but pictures and stories tell me that my fat rolls had fat rolls. I was extremely chubby! This was also the year when I began all of my broken bones…a skull fracture at 9 months old!

YEAR 2, 3, 4: I’m lumping all of these years together….In these years I spent a lot of time with my Mama Sue. Mama Sue kept me while my parents worked, and I loved going to her house. We spent lots of time in the garden…chasing cows that got out of the pen…shucking corn…and snapping green beans. I gave my “passy” away to her baby calf because it didn’t have one. One of the biggest memories I have of spending time with Mama Sue is when we got into a wreck on the way to pick her kids up from school….even at that age, I still REMEMBER it (not just hearing stories about it!).

YEAR 5: During this year, I started taking dance. I’m pretty sure it only lasted one year…I definitely turned out to be a tomboy instead of a girlie girl. So sorry, Mom! At the end of my fifth year, I got a little sister. Hard to say if I was excited or not….I’m pretty sure I wanted to send her back. (No worries…I love her now!)

YEAR 6: I started Kindergarten this year, and I absolutely loved my teacher. My favorite part of Kindergarten was the memory verse cards we had. Each week was a new verse starting with a new letter of the alphabet. We learned scripture while learning our alphabet…I thought it was amazingly cool back then. I also began playing t-ball this year!

YEAR 7: This was the year when SOFTBALL actually started, and I was hooked from the beginning. I got to “play” on an all-star team which I was almost too young for, but I made the cut because I was “coachable”…what really ended up happening was I sat the bench and occasionally got to play right field [read…picking flowers!].

YEAR 8: I started piano lessons this year from the organist at our church. I enjoyed learning to play, but I hated practicing and hated recitals even more. At my Christmas recital, I walked in, saw everyone looking at me, started crying, and walked out. I can’t remember if I actually played my pieces. My FAVORITE softball memory from this year is warming up with my brother before a game and the ball hit me in the face. I had a bruise in the pattern of the “stitches” from the softball. I was SO proud! I’ve always loved my battle wounds!

YEAR 9: I got my first kitten this year, Oreo! I also had my first teacher in school that I didn’t like. Other than that, softball continues!

YEAR 10: I had my favorite birthday party in this year. My mom planned a Mexican Fiesta at our house and we all played Bunko!

YEAR 11: I broke my leg on Christmas day of this year, and ended up being in a long cast for several weeks. I vividly remember getting my cast off and a couple of days later having the first softball practice of the season. The last thing my mom told me before she left was DON’T run the bases. As she came to pick me up, sure enough, I was running the bases! OOPS! You couldn’t keep me away from softball.

YEAR 12: This was the year of my favorite vacation of all times. We spent two weeks going to New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. We had two weeks worth of pimento cheese and chicken salad sandwiches (which we STILL talk about to this day!)…and stayed at the “Best Inn”. Oh the memories from that vacation…

YEAR 13: This begins the awkward years…and I had it bad. I started 7th grade during this year, and it was a big deal because it was the first year for all of the kids in my grade to be at the same school (we came from several elementary schools). My best friend at the time, Amanda, moved to town, and we were instant friends. Without a doubt we were inseparable until she moved in 9th grade. I got sent to the office this year for accidently touching my teacher’s paper cutter, and I thought my world had ended! We added on to our house and I FINALLY had my own room. I started taking dance again because I thought I might want to be in drill team in high school.

Most significantly in this year is that the Lord began showing me through someone I looked up to greatly that I needed to make my faith in Him my own….

YEAR 14: March 4th of this year Andrey (from Ukraine) came to live with us while he had surgery on his eye. It was an interesting experience, but one I wouldn’t trade for anything. On June 24, 1998, I accepted Christ as my Savior and began following Him. My faith went from going to church on Sundays to having a relationship with the one true God! My life has never been the same since that day!

YEAR 15: I started high school during this year. I was on the JV Drill team and I made Varsity softball as a freshman. During my freshman year, I had two of my best friends, Amanda and Mallory, move away. I had to find a new group of friends which isn't always the easiest thing to do in high school.

YEAR 16: During July of this year, my parents bought me a red Volkswagon Beetle! It was what I always wanted…I couldn’t believe I was actually getting one!! I remember being so happy that I couldn’t quit crying as my mom and dad signed all the papers. Sad thing was that I was TERRIFIED to drive it because it was a stick shift. I finally learned, and at the end of my 16th year (on my 16th birthday!), the K8TBUG was mine!

YEAR 17: During this summer, I went to Super Summer and the Lord put China on my heart. I knew from that moment on that I would serve there someday…I wasn’t sure when…I wasn’t sure how…but I knew I was going!

YEAR 18: The thing that sticks out to me most during this year is junior prom. I didn’t like it one bit. It was my first (and only) dance I ever went to. That summer I went to several camps (like every summer) including softball camp at Texas A&M!!

YEAR 19: This was a huge year for me! I graduated from high school #6 in my class, and then packed my bags to move off to Texas A&M which was a dream come true. I left home being one extremely shy little girl afraid to order my own meal at restaurants. I was scared to death to be on my own, but I wanted to be an Aggie so badly!

YEAR 20: At the beginning of my 20th year, the Lord blessed me with an incredible friendship that proved to be one of my best friends of all time, Christi! She was (and still is) a huge blessing in my life. I learned so much of the Lord’s character and how much I needed Him DAILY during this year. I donated my hair to Locks of Love for the first time, and I got the chance to work at T bar M.

YEAR 21: I went back to work at T bar M this summer. My 21st year ended with my mom and dad driving to College Station just to take me out to dinner on my birthday. I was reminded of how blessed I am to have a mom and dad who would do things like that…and even sometimes just drive up to surprise me!

YEAR 22: Year 22 was another big one for me! I took the MCAT for the first time, and didn’t do as well as I had hoped. A few months later (only days after getting my MCAT scores back), I hopped on a plane and spent a portion of the summer in China teaching English. God used the MCAT to form a bond between me and my sweet friend from China, A! The best part of the summer was that A came to know Jesus and she loves Him with everything she has. The Lord showed me that summer that He works out ALL THINGS for the good of those who love Him.

YEAR 23: During year 23, I took the MCAT for the second time, and the Lord began to reveal to me that medical school wasn’t the direction He wanted me to go. Not knowing what to do instead, I applied to medical school and again hopped on a plane back to Nanning, Guangxi, China (where I left my heart the summer before). This trip to China was cut short due to a broken arm, and I was completely devastated!

Oops…I can’t forget to mention that I graduated from TEXAS A&M! WHOOP! Proudest member of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2007.

I also began working at College Station Middle School in August. It was during this time the Lord led me to nursing school, and I began the application process.

YEAR 24: I continued to work at the middle school in the Special Education classroom where God taught me so much about unconditional love through two students that I affectionately call “My Honor Student” and “My Ray of Sunshine”. The entire experience of working at this school allowed me to fall more in love with Jesus and see new aspects of His character. I was completely changed by the lives of these two precious students!

I decided to come to San Antonio for nursing school, and it was a HUGE change for me! Little did I know that when I moved so far away from my family that God would bring a big sister (something I always prayed for) into my life. He also completely blessed me with an amazing house church of people with a heart for the nations.

YEAR 25: If I can sum up my 25th year in one word, it would be FREEDOM! I’ve learned a lot this year about what it means to truly walk in freedom in Christ. Freedom from fear…freedom from failure…freedom from perfection… Life isn’t about living for other people, but it’s about living for Him and following Him wherever He chooses to lead me.

YEAR 26:  This year has been a year of change in my life….I’m no longer a student.  :(  The early months were filled with a job hunt.  The process was not fun, but I was completely blown away with how the Lord blessed me. I experienced post earthquake Haiti, firsthand.  And to say that I fell in love with the people there is an understatement!!  The month of April was difficult because in the midst of applying for a job, one of my favorite clinical instructors/mentors unexpectedly went to be with Jesus. Then in May, I walked across the stage and received BS degree #2.  You can betcha that when I walked across the stage I flashed a big GIG ‘EM to the camera as I received my diploma.  I may have got to a “t.u” system school, but I am still 100% Aggie through-and-through.   In July I started an amazing job as an RN in the Pediatric ICU at Santa Rosa.  At this point, I have been there about 8 months, and Jesus has changed me.  I’ve been humbled by the trust of my patients and their families that is given to me on a daily basis.  Each day as I go to work, my prayer is the same.  I pray that I would bring hope, comfort, joy, and peace in Jesus’ name to my patients and their families.  I don’t want to miss any opportunity to be Jesus’ hands and feet.  A definite highlight in my 26th year is my roomies.  I live with 4 of the greatest girls I know….they deserve their own post.

YEAR 27:  This year has been one of many, many blessings!  I started off this year as the assistant coach for SACS Middle School softball team.  These girls had so much heart and gave their all 100% of the time.  They definitely worked to earn their undefeated season.  I was so proud of them!   The summer of this year {mostly June!} was busy, busy, busy, but I love busy!  Two of my closest friends got married two weeks apart during the summer, and I was honored to be able to stand with both of them as they said their “I do’s”.   In a seemingly “random” series of events {although it was completely orchestrated by the Lord}, I found out about a trip to Haiti, and God made it evident that I needed to be there…SO I WENT!!  Through this trip to Haiti, God brought about one of the biggest blessings of this year, A CHURCH HOME!  I have been so blessed and challenged by the people at Grace, and I love them so much!  During June, I also managed {somehow} to squeeze in working Vacation Bible School, taking girls to GA Camp, and working as a nurse at Camp Waldemar.   The end of the summer marked the end of living with my roomies at the M&M House and moving across town into an apartment by myself.  My 27th year also had its fair share of hard times…my grandpa passed away in May and some very sweet friends moved away in December.  Throughout this year, I have come to know Jesus in a whole new way.  I was constantly reminded that God knows the cry of our hearts, and He longs to give good things to His children….in His time!  I’m learning that His timing, no matter how crazy it seems, is perfect!  I finish this year blessed, thankful, and full of anticipation for the year ahead!   Oh…and I can’t forget that the last week of my 27th year landed me in the Emergency Room for an evening.  Evidently when you are kickboxing and pass out…people take that seriously!    

I know this is long, but I wanted to write down some of my biggest memories! What I didn't have time or space to do was write down everything. So woven throughout these years were many more broken bones, lots of laughter, lots of tears, lots of amazing memories! In doing this, I was reminded how incredibly blessed I am. I have the best family…the best friends…and I serve the most amazing God! These 27 years have been full, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I’m so blessed and so thankful!  As I look back at these memories, I am blown away by the life the Lord has given me.  I can't wait to see adventures are in store for the next years of my life. 

Feel free to comment and add some of your own memories.  :) 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Haiti Video


Here’s the video of our trip to Haiti in June 2011! 

Haiti….Round 3!

   Summer 2011 047  

On March 8 I will head back to Haiti for the 3rd time since the earthquake in 2010!

My first trip was life-changing---I had never seen such devastation all of my life.  I thought I was prepared for what I would experience during my time there, but I wasn't. 

I was prepared to see a people living in tents---I wasn't prepared to see the many homeless, without even a tent to stay in. 

I was prepared for poverty---I wasn't prepared to see it to the extent that I did. 

I was prepared to see people begging for money and food---I wasn't prepared to see such malnourished babies that were literally skin and bones. 

I was prepared to go to Haiti to give, to love, to serve---I wasn't prepared to receive so much love from these amazing people or to be served by them. 

It was this last reason that I left part of my heart in Haiti.  I've never seen such a resilient people---people who, less than two months earlier, were involved in such a tragedy, yet had a deeper faith and hope in Jesus than I could have ever imagined. DSCN0790 

Since I left part of my heart in Haiti during my trip during March 2010, I had to go back!  God opened doors (rather...flung them right off the hinges) to get me to Haiti in June 2011.  Once again, I thought I was prepared...after all, I had been to Haiti ONCE before---what more was there to learn, right?!?  HA!  God brought a different group of amazing Haitian people into my life during this trip, and the relationships that were formed were deep.  We loved on each other, prayed for each other and worked side by side to do our part in rebuilding Haiti.  God was so faithful to teach me about the body of Christ and how each of us plays a specific part in that---yet together we are so much stronger than we will ever be alone.  We also spent time in an orphanage where I got to love on some VERY SPECIAL kiddos! Summer 2011 195

Since the trip in June, my heart's been aching to go back.  Why?  Because I left even more of my heart there!  That brings me to right now.  :)  March 8-15 I will head back to Haiti with my church- Grace Bible Church in La Vernia.  I'm excited to go back to the same people and building on the relationships we have already established!  I'm excited to be a part of whatever God has in store for us during that week while we are there!  DSCN0948

If you are interested, I have the perfect way for you to be part of what God is already at work doing among the people in Haiti!   On February 25, our team will hold a 5K walk-a-thon in La Vernia to raise funds for the trip.  You don't have to live in San Antonio or anywhere close to help out!  :)  What I'm looking for is people to sponsor me to walk that day...any amount God puts on your heart is greatly appreciated!    You can make checks payable to Grace Bible Church and put Global Missions in the memo line---your contribution is tax-deductible. 

If you in San Antonio, I can make arrangements to get donations from you, or you can mail it to me!  (Let me know if you are interested and I'll send my address to you).  If you are outside of San Antonio, let me know if you are interested in sponsoring me and I'll send you my address as well.  If you are in Lufkin, mom or dad will have a form and you can get your contribution to them!  Summer 2011 179

Thank you in advance for helping me get back to Haiti and love on these amazing people, in Jesus' name!  I'm so thankful for you.  Even if you are unable to support me financially, please don't underestimate the power of prayer!  I will be so thankful for your prayers for my team leading up to the time we leave and while we are on our trip.  I am confident God has amazing things planned, and we will need your prayer support!  There is nothing more comforting while walking out God's plan for me than knowing that people who love and care for me are lifting me up in prayer.

It’s a WILD ride following Jesus!